
What temperatures do you consider hot and cold?

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I live in Florida, so it is hot. Yet I am freezing at 85 degrees. I was wondering how much people differ in this aspect.




  1. Anything below 72 degrees is cold, and anything above 72 is HOT!

  2. I live in SC we go from winter straight into summer so its hard to say

    depending on where you live

  3. I consider cold to be under 20 degrees and hot tobe over 100 degrees with high humidly.  I lived most my life in the south.  

  4. Hot and cold are relative.

    In the summer 77 is cold,in the winter 77 is hot.

  5. It depends. I live in Ohio and when spring comes, 70 feels warm. Right now, 70 feels cool and in the winter, 40 can feel nice. I think the perfect temp is 80, all year.

  6. IN SUMMER:  I think that 89 is hot and 75 is cold.

    IN WINTER:  I think that 35 is hot and 20 is cold.

            note:  i live in new england.

  7. Im the same way.. Its freezing when it gets into the 80's.  I would never survive up north..  And when we get a cold front well I dont go outside!!!!!

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