
What ten year span saw the widest (across all incomes) economic (real income)? growth?

by Guest55580  |  earlier

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What ten year span saw the widest (across all incomes) economic (real income)? growth?




  1. this must be the new wave of the future for public education..and here I spent all that wasted time actually attending classes.  Biggest growth has come from the eye care industry--fitting glasses to computer geeks who cant tear themselves from their screens.  I'm sure wiki has stats for ya.

  2. For which country? Or for the world as a whole?

    Does the rate of growth matter or just the percentage of the population that saw an increase in real income?

    If the rate of growth matters, how do you combine the growth rates of the different sectors for purposes of comparison? (i.e. if in decade A the top 10% saw an increase of 10% while everyone else saw an increase of 1%, while in decade B the top 10% saw an increase of 20%, while everyone else so an increase of only 0.5% - how do you decide which decade is "wider"? And what about decade C where everyone except the bottom 10% saw a gain of 30% but the bottom 10% saw no gain at all?)

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