
What tends to be more expensive to purchase and install: paint or wallpaper?

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What tends to be more expensive to purchase and install: paint or wallpaper?




  1. wallpaper is way more expensive

  2. Wallpaper.  If you're doing it yourself or hiring someone to do it, then the wallpaper has a higher initial cost and takes much longer to install.  Time equals money in most things.

  3. Definitely wallpaper

  4. Wallpaper.

  5. Definitely wallpaper.  For whatever you pay for the wallpaper, plan to spend that much again on installation.

  6. Wallpaper is much more expensive to purchase and a pain in the butt to install.  Also when you want to change a room that has been painted, you can go buy a gallon of paint and have a whole new look relatively quickly.  Once you put wallpaper on your walls, it is hard to remove.  Usually people with walls that are not in good shape choose to wallpaper, because they feel they haven't a choice.  Using paint in this situation, would show all the imperfections of the wall.  But if your walls are in good shape, I definitely would recommend paint.

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