
What term could be use to describew the electric currents produced by the non physical beings like ghost ?

by  |  earlier

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the electric/statatics from the physical object seems different from the moving or displacing non phyusical beings!




  1. You are employing a few false premises here.  Among them:

    1.) Ghosts exist.  There is no evidence to support this statement.

    2.) Ghosts produce electrical currents.  Once again, assuming that ghosts even exist (which they don't), there is no evidence to support the idea that they produce electrical currents.

  2. Not sure I understand the question exactly; non-physical beings are electromagnetic energy.

  3. Static. :) The ghost trains in the US desert that appear frequently (in front of groups of  tourists/eyewitnesses) are a static held image of a train that went past when conditions where right (and usually its when weather is very hot - which is why most ghost trains etc are in desert areas). Some say that 'ghosts' of people are images trapped by similar circumstances, such as fear or emotion rather than desert heat, but are generally static replays. Which could explain why ghosts always seem to have a tragic tale behind them. :)

  4. I would call it vibrations. A ghost is manifesting the body's 'fine physical form'. It is able to pass through material objects because it doesn't have a corporeal body, but a shimmering vibration.

  5. The question you have asked seems to me to be in the right section, and even if ghosts have not been proven to exist (remember, that even with all the debunking, it's hard to prove conclusively that they DON'T exist) the question still warrants respectable answers.

    From what I understand of the phenomena known as 'ghosts', they do not in themselves produce electric currents any more than we do in our own physical bodies. They do seem to have a greater ability to manipulate energies without means other than their own will--for example, changing the temperature in a certain area without resorting to turning down the a/c . . .

    Certain instruments designed or used for the detection of ghosts rely on changes in the electromagnetic fields in the area in which the ghost is present, the temperature changes (ghosts are sometimes thought to draw on energy in the area around them to better communicate or otherwise interact with the living--or material--world), recording of sounds in frquenices higher than we can normally hear, etc. Usually, drawing energy from their surroundings will result in a temperature drop which can be recorded (remember that energy cannot be destroyed, but can be changed from one form into another).

    It does seem to me that you might be confusing the energies 'influenced' by the ghosts with those that you think they might 'give off' simply by being present in a room.

  6. Study alchemical energies or Kung Fu energies.

    the energies may be the same on this side & the other maybe we could all see this if the scales were removed from our eyes. Ask your higher self or god to show you.

  7. auras

  8. Sugar cane, oak trees, wombats, dogs, and giant pandas all belong to the category of beings for which there is known evidence.

    The tooth fairy, Father Christmas, ghosts, vampires, fairies, evil spirits, poltergeists, and hobgoblins all belong to a category of fictional beings invented for the delight of children and some adults. There is no evidence for the existence of any of the items in this category.

  9. aether energy

  10. The best term to describe it is: fictional.

    You're talking as if you have proven the existence of ghosts, developed a way to make them appear reproducibility in your lab, and measured electrical currents supposedly produced by them. And, of course, you've done none of these things.

    Remember, you asked this question in the Science & Math category. If your question presupposes non-scientific ideas, you're going to get responses that you probably won't like.

  11. i can't imagine how a non-physical being could produce a very physical thing like electricity.

  12. I believe it's plasma, but don't think ever proved to exist.

  13. EMS  electro magnetic surges. I do believe that is the correct answer

  14. voltage, ohms, current.......

    I just want to say to IAM

    I studied Kung Fu for 10 years under a famous master and she never said anything about ghosts producing electricity.

  15. by definition, suppose to be ghost could not be seen, if you happen to see it well its a physical thing and not a ghost. but some evidence points that ghost exist. Sometimes  appearance of ghost is a bit selective, some see it some dint.

    my point is that ghost phenomena may manifest in the frequency of our brain maybe on the alpha wave and if strong enough could manipulate (hack) our  neuronal system by their will creating an illusionary environment that can affect all of our senses. This situation is evidenced by most hypnotic practitioners and psychologists that mind manipulations is possible. Feeling of being electrocuted maybe one of this manifestations (by an electrician ghost).

    so next time if you see a ghost that want to electrocute you what you do is bite your thumb hard enough so to feel the pain. this pain would bypass any other external neuronal manipulations.

    this is my own point of view. i hope it would be of help

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