
What test can show one has liver cancer?

by Guest63078  |  earlier

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What test can show one has liver cancer?




  1. blood tests.

  2. My aunt died from liver cancer.. you have to get a blood test.. and you have to possibly get an ultra sound if you think you have it. please go to the doctor soon!!!!

    hope your alright!!

  3. There is no "real" test to show liver cancer but there are blood tests called Liver Function tests that assess how your liver is functioning.

    The most common blood tests ordered are: AST, ALP, ALT, Albumin and Bilirubin. These will all show whether you have a fatty liver, cirrhosis, bile buildup etc.

    Your doctor may also order some Hepatitis tests to make sure that it's not that either.

    If your LFT's come back abnormal your doctor may send you for an ultrasound and or a CT Scan to see what the size and shape your liver is.

  4. -If you experience any of the symptoms of liver cancer, your doctor will ask you about your medical history and perform a physical exam. Tests and procedures used to diagnose liver cancer include:

        * Ultrasound (ultrasonography). This test uses sound waves to produce a picture of internal organs, including the liver. Ultrasound is painless and usually takes less than 30 minutes. While you lie on a bed or examining table, a wand-shaped device (transducer) is placed on your body. It emits sound waves that are reflected from your liver and transformed into a computer image. Ultrasound provides information about the shape, texture and makeup of tumors.

        * Computerized tomography (CT) scan. This test uses X-rays to produce cross-sectional images of your body. You may also have a variation of the test — known as a CT angiogram — in which contrast dye is injected into an artery in your liver. X-rays then track the dye as it flows through the blood vessels in your liver. A CT angiogram, which may take up to an hour to perform, can provide detailed information on the number and location of liver tumors, but a CT scan exposes you to more radiation than conventional X-rays do, and some people may experience an allergic reaction to the contrast dye.

        * Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI creates images using a magnetic field and radio waves. Sometimes a contrast dye also may be used. The test can take from 15 minutes to an hour. Newer MRIs can show images of the ducts that transport bile from the liver to the upper part of the small intestine (duodenum) as well as of the arteries and veins within the liver.

        * Liver biopsy. In this procedure, a sample of tissue is removed from your liver and examined under a microscope. Liver biopsy is considered the only definitive way to diagnose liver cancer. Your doctor may use a thin needle or a lighted instrument (laparoscope) to obtain the sample. Biopsy carries a risk of bleeding, bruising and infection.

        * Blood tests. Doctors sometimes use a blood test that checks for the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) — a type of protein found in small amounts in adults — to detect liver cancer. But the test isn't perfect. Not all malignant liver tumors produce AFP, and those that do may be advanced by the time protein levels become elevated. In addition, other types of cancer and even some noncancerous liver diseases can raise AFP levels.-

  5. CT scans and blood tests....both painless

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