
What tests are typically done before a dentist determines a tooth requires root canal treatment?

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My wife was referred to a dentist to assess a tooth for possible root canal. The dentist did not do any tests on her teeth, nor asked her what tooth was bothering her. He proceeded right away to do a root canal on a tooth (47) that was not bothering her. Upon contacting the dentist that evening to inform him that he did the root canal on the wrong tooth, he told my wife to come back in and he would do the root canal on the tooth (46) that was bothering her. Again, with no examination. Shortly thereafter, my wife had to have both 46 and 47 retreated by a specialist. The problems however, did not go away. Tooth 47 was extracted because of complications from the 1st root canal treatment and tooth 46 now needs to be extracted. These events have occurred over the past year and my wife has been in constant pain for the past year.




  1. Root canals are procedures that are done to save a very compromised tooth that would otherwise need extraction.  A collection of data from diagnostic tests is usually done.  The point of the tests are to reproduce the symptoms the patient is having to determine which tooth is affected if it is not clinically obvious visually and by xray.  The tests include electric pulp testing to test nerve vitality, cold and hot test, periodontal probings and percussion.  Usually after these test the tooth causing the problem is identified.  Sorry you had such a bad experience.  Get your wife to a good dentist.  Avoid clinics that are big group practices.  Private practice is the best care.  

  2. x-ray,putting cold air on the tooth

  3. Sounds like a quack to me. Root canals are big money too. l had 4 years ago. lf you noticed, l said '' had ''. An X-ray was standerd pratice when mine were done. My root canals never lasted and were much more bother that they were worth. l'd look for an attorney who does malpractice. And a good dentist, she had the right to be made whole, at least. Good luck

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