
What thai movie (with english subtitles) portrays thailand the best?

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I mean, which thai movie can I watch that really captures the feeling you get when you are there. Bangkok Dangerous is the best one I have seen so far but what is one that I maybe have not seen yet?




  1. Nobody has mentioned Tom Yung Goong... great flick, but not an overly accurate portrayal of Thailand.

    Here are two movies that might be hard to come by, but very educational as far as conveying how a Thai thinks:

    15 Kham Duan 11, which is translated to Mekong Full Moon Party.  It is a hysterical chronicle of Thai superstitions, many of which (all of which?) are a bit absurd.  It is about the Naga Fireballs that come up from the Mekong during Buddhist lent.  Funny and well worth watching.

    The other is 'Love-Song Radio' or something like that 'Mon Rak Transistor' I think is the Thai name.  It is a charming Thai version of the movie 'O Brother Where Art Thou?'

    Well done, has some hysterical lines, and offers a bit of insight into Thai culture.

  2. For me, Tropical Malady (by Apichatpong Weerasethakul) is the best. All I can say is it's a beautiful and brilliant film.

  3. The new Thai movie Som Tum.

    The farang character Barney acts like your average farang that comes over to Thailand, gets rolled and looses all his money and passport, then can't handle the spicey Thai food.

    You won't learn much about Thailand, but you might die laughing

  4. Bummer!  I just typed a long answer then it didn't work. Ok, I'll shorten it.  First, I am American living in Bangkok.  I have a Thai family (two teenage step-sons) and so I've seen several movies.  There are just a few that stand out.

    "Ong Bak" (or in US "the Protector" I think)  You may have heard of this, because its quite popular.  I mention it first because Bangkok Dangerous is sort of the seedy underbelly side, and this would fit there.  It is action and fighting.

    Another one I very much like is an artsy film "Last Life in the Universe" - only trilingual movie I've ever seen.  A Japanese guy living in Thailand getting to know a Thai girl, communicating with each other in broken English while hiding from Japanese mafia.  I like the perspective of Thai culture it gives... it sort of feels like you are seeing things both from the perspective of a Thai and a foriegner at the same time.

    But you don't capture Thai culture from crime and fighting movies.  They are fun loving people and so you need comedy.  The best are "The Bodyguard" and "Jao".  They both offer some lighthearted social commentary as well.

    All of these are about 3-5 years old, but I haven't seen anything more recent that compares.  Hope you can find them!

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