
What that mean ..i have bad english?

by  |  earlier

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i am from lebanon

i have buyed some electornics from amazon about 700$( game)

i have recived this message that mean i will pay more than 1000$:S ??

pls tell me

Considering that the value of goods is USD 700.00

Please note that first the goods will be considered as high value and will thus in addition to the shipping fees pay clearance charges USD 245.00

Additionally there will be IRI fees (approval of the institute of research and industry) will vary between USD 120.00 and USD 220.00 upon official receipt depending on the officer ‘s discretion

Duties upon official receipt will be 5% on the value of goods + shipping then VAT also upon official receipt 10% on duties

IRI process requires 10 working days to be cleared then you need to add an additional 2 working days for customs clearance and delivery





  1. It appears that these are fees imposed by Lebanon for the purchase of something from the U.S.A. instead of buying the item in Lebanon.  

  2. 700 + 245 + 120 + 5% of 700 + 10% of 700 = 1170

    So it sounds like you'll be paying between $1170 and $1120 for the electronics, depending on the IRI fees, plus shipping fees. I don't know what the IRI is but I'm guessing that it's part of your government. It sounds like most of the extra money your paying is because of your government. You will end up paying, on top of the original price, over half the actual value of the goods.

    Short answer: you're getting ripped off by the government.

    Also, it's "bought", not "buyed".

  3. i dont know.

  4. i think they r insisting u to pay duty for your goods.

  5. it means you will have to pay a few hundred more because of taxes.

  6. Yes, it means you'll have to pay a few hundred more because of shipping charges and taxes.

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