
What the F-U-K is this SCORPIO Girl's problem?

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I was talking to this Scorpio girl from my company for almost a couple months. I thought were just friends until she asked me if she could spend the night at my place. I told her at that time I had a girlfriend. She didn't know! Afterwards, I met her a few times, she invited me for dancing and a coffee but I said no. Its been almost 2 weeks and I didn't hear from her, no emails, no phone calls or invites for anything. I bumped into her today, I said hi, and she didn't even respond to me. She walked away and acted like she didn't even know who I was. I'm angry. What is her problem? Why the h**l is she ignoring me?

I was talking to this girl from my company for almost a couple months. I thought were just friends until she asked me if she could spend the night at my place. I told her at that time I had a girlfriend. She didn't know! Afterwards, I met her a few times, she invited me for dancing and a coffee but I said no. Its been almost 2 weeks and I didn't hear fr





  2. You're not stupid.  It's good you wanted to be friends.  She was just rejected and feels like a moron, because in her own fantasy world, she's a somebody. She's just trying to make herself look good by acting like nothing affected her, when really she was CRUSHED and probably fought hard to hold back the tears.  It wasn't your fault, she was being madddd sensitive.

    EDIT: you were not giving her mixed signals.  Friendships are not exclusive to genders, she should understand that.  You're so normal, and cool - you're actually lucky that crazy is (hopefully) out of your life for good!

  3. maybe she got bored messing with somebody else's bf and decided she wanted a bf she could do stuff with, such as coffee, dancing, etc. etc. REMEMBER: 'it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind'.

  4. What do you mean what is HER problem?  Obviously, she was coming on to you, and wanted more than a friendship and you shut her down.  I think she felt you were giving mixed signals due to the fact you *met up* with her a couple of times and turned her down when she asked if you wanted to go do something.  You said NO right?  And then you go on to complain that she hasn't emailed, phoned or invited you to anything since?  You have a girlfriend, that is why she is blowing you off.  Maybe concentrate on your relationship with her, rather than worrying about this friendship.  There is no friendship any longer, she wanted more, you didn't, she doesn't care to waste her time with a taken guy.  Why is that such a mystery to you?

  5. What the fk is your problem? Do you like the fact that she is into you and that she was chasing you? Is that why youre so interested in having her as a friend and so cranky that she is no longer your friend and propping up your ego? If indeed you see her as a friend and not a chick that has got the hots for you, wouldnt you be sad, rather than angry?

    Personally, I am a Sagittarius and I would do exactly the same thing she is doing. It means that she was totally into you, possibly felt that you were leading her on and enjoying the attention a little bit too much, and she has now chosen to move on with her life. Unfortunately, feelings arent light switches that we can switch on and off as we please. The best way to deal with these things is to eliminate the person from your life completely.

    Im not Scorpio, but she´s doing exactly what I would do, too.


    Why dont you expend some of the energy youve used here on Yahoo! Answers about some "friend" on your girlfriend, instead?

  6. She feels rejected...duh!  So she's avoiding you cause of all these reasons: she's embarrassed and doesn't want to be reminded of it by seeing you, she probably felt led on by you at some point or she's probably trying to move on and just wipe you out since you serve her no purpose anymore. Sorry that's just how it is.

  7. You have to be one of the dumbest dudes ever. She wanted all possible ways. Not just as a friend. Move on. She hates your guts now

  8. scorpio girls are emoitonal and senstive

    remember this.

  9. She wants you as her boyfriend and nothing else. Plain and simple.

  10. She wants in your pants. Read about scorpios. They are the s***s of the zodiac, and they have NEVER proven me wrong. :)...

    Read about it. And watch one. They try to hide it, but silly them, all the other signs, (especially air) can see right through it, haha.

  11. give up i know what it's like

    i HATE when someone f*cks with my emotions

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