
What the h**l is happening to NZ?

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We have had a murder nearly every day this week and an abduction!!!! What do you think is happening to us as a society, and what do you think are contributing factors to all the bad stuff that's going on in our country.

Serious answers only please, I'm the type of person that wants to save the world.




  1. You can't save the world nor save the people that do this stuff. but you can in your own right make a healthy contribution. I don't know whats happening. this awful stuff is also rife in other countries. maybe drugs and greed pay a big part. lack of education. lack of discipline and respect. the government need to take a firmer hand,

  2. The world is becomin a bloody war zone. !

  3. OMG I completely agree

    Our once peaceful land of hope and equality is really in tatters at the moment isnt it?

    with the economy crumbling, taxes steep and wages low this makes for angry residents, and now with this poor emma girl  being abducted or worse we start to blame things like the high amount of stress in our society, lack of understanding of mental illness, and LOW tolerance for criminals and driving offences.

    I do think as a country we are far too leniant on people who kill others while drunk, as well as those who kidnap and murder, anyone can commit a crime here and get away with it, people think they can take chances here and since the prisons are alot nicer than that of alot of other countries in the western world, why  not?

    the cost of living is high, and the punishment for crime is low

    thats  my take on it anyway

  4. Wow - it's been that bad this week huh !

    Thats why I still think Nelson is still one of the safest cities in NZ.

  5. the end is near

  6. its the low wages, the meth problem and our top contributors head over the tasman for their wonderful climate and high wages/incomes.

    the family unit has broken down in alot of cases, the DPB is a double edged sword, the Threaty is a constant issue, that keeps people looking back and not forward,

    the example set by the MP's and police, the development of one law for some and others for the elite - such as name suppressions, MP's palimentery fist fighting et cetera

    the winters suck but its still not like sydney or europe with security guys carrying machine guns at the subway stations, in USA i read they have transit police or something - so maybe they will come one day,

    its still a pearler but the people need to be more vocal and stop guys like cullen holding surpluses, better a rich people poor govt than the other way round?judges need more power in sentencing violent crimes in NZ

    anyway its a great place these problems are like the rest of the world NZ is just a bit behind (with low wages).......thats a good thing - the behind bit


  7. Intensive education pro gramme shall be launched at international level learn how to love and to be loved

    Must work hard for a noble and cult red society for avoiding


    How long we have to wait for such a social living?

  8. I know. i cant believe why people would kill someone. The police are pretty much doing all they can, with the resources they have. i think its just the influences around them and its just increasing. we used to be a nice little country but now we are knee deep in violence. i cant answer HOW we can change it except for being a good influence for all the people around us but i would really like to know.

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