
What the h**l was Kizz on?

by  |  earlier

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That performance Sucked!!!

I was cringing!!!!




  1. Just another case of blokes who don't realise they are no longer the s*x gods they (thought) they once were!!!!!

    Ever seen a bloke strutting down the beach like god's gift to women in budgie smugglers, beer gut out, and a hairy back? I rest my case. LOL!

  2. Wish I could have seen it.  Kiss used to be ok back in the day.  Now I just like to watch Gene Simmons Family Jewels.  lol

  3. yeah im with you for sure, they were very very bad, but it was good to see the footy show back on

  4. Yeah it was, wasnt it. I think my cat could do better then them. It was extremely embarrassing to say the least. Im glad Im not the only one who thought that about them. Cant blame the accoustics on this one. They sucked 100%

  5. They have only one way to go, down, the next perf will be on the Rugby Footy Show.

  6. i never knew that a performance can suck that bad

  7. what the h**l are you talking about ?

  8. yer it was crapola!! but it was funny when james accidentally brought them out as chris haha

  9. don't ask, nobody saw the performance!

  10. I only have one work to describe them and  their performance last night on the Footy show - "REVOLTING"

  11. Oh God! They were bloody awful!

    Could Paul Stanleys chest be any saggier?

    & Gene Simmons looked pathetic with that tongue!

    It just doesn't seem to work does it?

    God it was pathetic :))))!!!!!!!!

  12. mmmm..ur right I was really "KISSED OFF" too, at the time I was thinking Ch9 audio the prob, considering very few live shows these days, ! but then again a microphone only picks up the  the sound.   I don't agree it "sucked"though, you can get great pleasure from that, KISS weren't pleasurable, in any way

  13. sorry to note? so performance was  down trodden!


  14. That was the one bit of the Footy show i did manage to see  *oh god, how i wish i hadn't*

    I am supposed to be going to see them at the GP, it better be better than the c**p they dished out last night,


  15. Oh, they were awful!

  16. I'm soooo confused! But most women confuse me anyway. Why should you have a different effect on me your dudess

  17. that was hilarious,what a joke Kiss have become,i was watching it half P!$$ing myself half cringing,how could anyone pay to watch that cR@P is beyond me.

  18. and here I thought there name was KISS (Knights in the Service of Satan)  I was never a big KISS fan anyway so I am sure that they sucked big time.....

  19. They sucked in the 70's and the 80's and the 90's and they are still sucking in the 00's, they are crapola.

  20. *Sigh* that reminds me so much oif Big Kev. He loves KISS. I'm so heartbroken that he is now gone :'(

  21. Mmm it was bad. I was feeling EMBARRESSED for them!!

    Sammy was good though!

  22. I can't help but answer this.......

    I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Hee hee hee

  23. Awwwww, not what I wanted to hear :(

    I missed the performance last night, but it looks like I didnt miss out on much anyways.

    Kiss are one of my fav. bands and i find it so sad that they continue to perform when they are clearly past their used-by-date.

    Surely the footy show could have come up with better entertainment?

    NB:  The whacky answers I have been reading here lately is doing my head in...what the h**l is wrong with some people?

  24. lets hope they improve for the GP and the start of yet another tour

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