
What the H*LL could possibly be so wrong!??!?

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My daughter is as of today 4 months old. For the past 4-5 hours...all she's been doing is crying. She never does this. She's not hungry...I've changed her diaper...everything's been done normally like every other night...but tonight....she cries when I hold her...she cries when I put her down..she cries when I try to feed her....I'm pretty much about to go crazy so I just put her in her crib....and she's crying by herself. What the h**l am I supposed to do?!!!




  1. You have done everything right so unfortunately you might just have to bear with the crying (it doesn't hurt if you have had enough to put her in her crib and let her cry while you gather yourself either no matter what anyone says...)

    I would give her paracetamol and a warm bath and then try to comfort her the best you can.  Rub her tummy, pat her back, trying shoosing (making the noise) her while rocking her... Check in the morning for a tooth (my son got one at the same age and did the same thing you are going thru )

    Just remember to check her temp and for any rashes..

    Good Luck...

  2. First of calm down...your baby can sense your tension and that could be making things worse!! I know its hard I am living a single moms life with my first baby who is 2 months old now!! It will get better..we went through our colicky stage already and we will too!!

  3. i so know how you feel. im up for hours at a time at night with my baby. it takes everything out of you. my bub is only a month old so i cant use gas drops but i find bath helps with a little massage. with you in heart sweety

  4. she could have an upset stomach, or be developing an illness, check for possible fever and try giving her a bath.

  5. you are having one of those days.

    if you think it could be medical, call up the doctor as soon as you can and make an appointment.

    in the meantime, make sure you aren't too stressed. The more stressed you are, the more she'll feel stressed herself. So maybe it's time to call in for some help. Call up a friend or family member and ask them to come over and help you out for half an hour while you get some fresh air.

    If you can't get away for a minute, make sure she's safe i her crib, close the door mostly and sit down for a cup of tea as far away from her room as possible. Maybe just stand outside and breathe in the fresh air and clear your head over a cup of tea. Calm yourself. And when you are ready to go back and try again, go for it.

    try the following:

    strip off her clothes and give her nice warm bath.

    Let her take all her sadness out in the water with lots of splashing and kicking - cheer her on "let it out baby" it will help you handle her sadness.

    once she's had enough or you are soaked and had enough, dry her and give her a long loving massage. Help her stretch her arms and legs, hold her knees to her chest for a minute, and see if that pressure helps relieve any pain or gas she may have in there.

    Now dress her warmly and wrap her up tight in a wrap.

    do you have a rocking chair? if so, put on your favourite movie, sit and rock with baby on your chest/lap. rock and rock and rock making short rhythmic pats on baby's back. If no rocker, still put on your favourite movie and have her lay across your legs, on her tummy. Now use both your hands to rhythmically pat her. One hand pats the bottom, one hand pats the upper back. Get into a rhythm and just watch the movie.

    she may continue to cry, or she just might stop and fall asleep. by the end of the movie both of you will likely be soundly asleep and feeling much much better.

  6. Everyone keeps telling you to calm down and I know they are meaning well, but sometimes it isn't that easy.  If you feel you cannot calm yourself down a bit, try leaving the room and give yourself 5 mins, make sure she is safe of course. I used to leave my baby boy in his crib and go out on the balcony and scream! Or leave him with someone and go for a quick 5 min walk around the block.  Do you have a partner or support person you can call?  You need support at this time as well.  Try all the ideas everyone has mentioned, making sure you take care of yourself as well.  

  7. You need to calm down. She probably senses your stress which isn't helping. It could be a number of things. It isn't her fault. She is just a baby and crying is the only way she knows how to tell you something isn't right. Try taking a warm bath with her it will probably calm you both.  

  8. Try the swing?

    One thing that helps is to get the baby all nice and warm, put her blanket in the dryer for a minute or two and shake well (so not too hot) and put on her, dim the light.

    Could she be teething? If so -infant Tylenol will help.

    She could have a tummy ache- gas drops help if you have any.

  9. Turning the bathwater on high and sitting next to it might help.

    It's the SOUND that does it... Don't stick her in the tub... Which I'm sure you knew, but still. Just making sure.

    Unless you want to give her a bath... But this is just for sound.

  10. Has she had her shots recently, my daughter did the same thing just after her shots for like 3 days straight, i had to take her on car rides in the middle of the night to get her to calm down, she would fall asleep & sleep all night after that. or she could be teething already if you have some baby oragel put a little bit of that on her gums, also sometimes if she is crying i will give her a small dose of gas medicine & give her a warm bottle & she is fast asleep. I have been there & still there some nights. I hope this helps!!!!

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