
What the Heck does the World Bank Do?

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I read that Pres Bush appointed a new head of the World Bank. Great! Can I get a car loan there or do I have to be a third world dictator to be an account holder?




  1. The administration fee for you to get that car loan is far more expensive than the car you want.They don't even have any money machine so one can doubt the accountability of this bank ^_^.

    The Bank should assist the third world countries to alleviate poverty. Personally I doubt it, since the policies are not based on these countries' needs. Often they impose the loan and create the loan demand.

    The bank policies are not based on the average first world country citizens, but small number of wealthy tax payers.

    By the way once W Bankers had a meeting in S'pore and the organizer looked for female personal assistants, 19-22 yo. It was advertised on internet. No wonder it's called W Banker, pretty obvious no? So what Wolfwowitz had done is not too weird anymore.

  2. The world bank? They're an international association of loan sharks with good interest on helping third world countries. They help the third world countries so that they'd have more company of first world countries in the world.

  3. This bank is a strategic American assets in the world. It permits countries to depend from American loans, thus making them owing back to the US. This way, it provide the US with a certain leverage tools to keep countries in check with their own agenda...

    When they are not happy with a country, they just ask to be paid back, which often trigger the targeted country economy to collapse... Ask the Argentinians in the 70's...

    Also, it is a big reason why Chavez (Venezuela), has decide to refund all its loans from the WB as quick as possible...

  4. I think they'll loan you the money if you pay interest. If you're a third world dictator they'll loan you the money but they'll eventually forgive the debt. I think then you'll pay for it with your taxes when the bank doesn't pay the US back for it's investment.

  5. It has has 184 member countries.

    It is responsible for promoting economic development and reducing poverty.

  6. depends on which idiot answers first I guess.

  7. They're basically a messed up credit card company. They offer "money" to needy 1st and 2nd world countries, then charge exhorbitant rates that get paid to the US economy.

    The "demand for payment" usually triggers an economic collapse. Then the World Bank forces the country to bend over and get raped by every corporation that moves in wanting cheap labor, tons of tax breaks, and no legal liabilities.

    The WB forces the countries to accept all the new "corporate investment" or face penalties, increased fees, increase rates, and whatever else they can do to force the country to lay down for corporate take over. And it's all tied into our Federal government... Yet another reason so many in the world hate us.

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