
What the best chess book with the hardest chess puzzles?

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i have a couple of chess books... and i have read them all. Most are really good. i have a rating around 1790-1850... standard. BUT i want a hard chess puzzle book. if u know any leave an answer behind.





  1. Hi,

         Just visit my web page - link below.  Click on 'B' and scroll down to 'Books'?  I hope this is helpful for you.



  2. John Nunn's Chess Puzzle Book has some very challenging material in it. You'll find you can bake your noodle for hours even with a board & pieces trying to solve some of the harder ones he throws at you.

  3. Depends whether you're looking for tactical exercises (ie, positions from real games), composed problems or endgame studies.  I'd recommend Chessboard Magic by Irving Chernev or 1234 Modern Endgame Studies by Sutherland and Lommer for the last category.  There are lots of training books featuring tactical exercises and maybe even more regarding the world of  chess composition (mates in 2, 3, 4 or more moves).

  4. Best varies by person doing the ranking.  I like Lasker but the next guy might hate him, etc.

    You mean a book of chess problems like mate in threes?  Try and good luck.

  5. "Chess: 5334 Problems, Combinations and Games"---by Laszlo Polgar

    "The biggest book of chess problems ever published is now available in a paperback edition, featuring more than five thousand fully diagrammed problems, games, and end games for players at all levels. Chapters are organized by problem type, and each problem, combination, and game is keyed to an easy-to-follow solution at the back of the book, so users— whether they are beginners or highly accomplished players—can learn as they go. In all, this volume is a most extensive and thorough chess reference, sure to help hone skills while providing hours of fun. The more affordable paperback edition will give players at all levels reason to rejoice."

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