I make this quest with all respect.
I´ll so happy if can read a intelligent, logical and sincere anwer from a commom citizem, like you that votes and elects leaders like actuals.
Ever I reading magazines, papers or watching tv News, monitoring what it happens around the world.
Came to me a felling, about the freedom,so invoked for the United States for your citizens in this world´s scenario, it costs the oppression of many others.
I have here inside, like others many that I talk about, EUA don´t lives the truth he believes and preachs, like an ideal societies relathionships police.
The EUA way of life, so scattered around the world, awakes in the others, the same desire of to live as free, so wealthy and so full of democracy like him, but how to achieve this?
If seems like, to foreigners, the feeling that their happiness such as his, contrary to U.S. interests around the world?
The consequence of this position (police?) is easy to see by the course of events in international daily news.
We can only conclude undoubtedly, the U.S.ordinary citizens sees the world from your own navel, where the U.S. is his home, (of freedom...) and the rest of the world, your backyard.
Someone there, of the land of applied sciences, already thinked in taking 10% of the budget "from US defense" and apply them on enviroments, deploing all around the world, the same wonders as preached for US way of life?
Maybe, this action, cure, mitigating the mania of persecution, this strange mania to say that it´s victim from "free" ira of the world!
When, what we see, is continued aggression of US defense forces, rights violations, in total disrespect for borders, autonomy and autodetermination of others, "intent to" defending their interests! What may be this interests? If don´t, the primacy enjoy the resources of the entire earth, to ensure democracy and freedom to, so poor and unfortuanately people from the United States, victims of the cruelty from the barbarians around the world? ( ...If I were one of Ceazars, I´ll thinking in Deja Vú).
This "neuroses" is so entrenched among U.S. citizens, that not there a only one film, of natural disasters or alliens invaders, where the world is not portrayed by cities or peoples from the United States, like as "representatives of the people of the earth", and the obvious, the grand finalle, the great surrender is ever done by a brilliant US citizen, or resources of his wonders Armed forces. On Independence day film, the US president´s, the one on comand of the earth forces, on the revenge, I thinking here, how much orgasms don´t it happned, on the US leaders!.
Freud could explain...
(Would be funny, if don´t be unfortunately tragic!)