
What the cheapest price i can pay an editer? what exactly do they do besides correction puntuation?

by  |  earlier

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when i give them my work do i give all of it or one chapter at a time




  1. Remember that you get what you pay for.

    It sounds to me like you want a proofreader, as someone has already said. A proofreader will just correct any grammatical errors.

    An editor is far more involved in the creative process; an editor gives you feedback regarding the content, structure, etc., of your work, and helps you develop and improve your work.

    An editor never gives a price without first viewing a sample of the document(s) to be edited. I have proofed for $1 per page for 12 font, double spaced expository essay documents that needed light to moderate grammatical help.

  2. Go to your nearest university and find a third or fourth year student majoring in English.

    They would be the cheapest. Not only will they correct punctuation, but spelling and grammar as well. Rates will vary with the different students and as for what amount of work you give them to edit depends on what you and the student work out.

    All the best to you and your endeavours.

  3. You may be thinking of a proofreader.  They will make sure you used proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.  An editor is something entirely different.  A good editor can help you tell your story.  She will tell you what's superfluous and what you need to develop further.  She will notice if you have developed your characters sufficiently.  She will tell you if you have paced your story well, whether it draws the reader in, if it's believable and compelling.  A good editor can make the difference between a lousy book and a great book, as most successful authors will tell you. They are worth their weight in gold.  Fortunately, they are usually paid by the publisher.

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