
What the eff is 'scene'?!?!?!?

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Everyone asks "How can I get scene hair?" "where can I buy scene clothes?" What the eff is scene?




  1. It's a label where people think it's cool to wear little kids clothes (hello kitty, pokemon, etc.) tons and tons of colorful makeup, about an inch of eyeliner, really tight jeans, a lot of jewelry, stuff like that. Also tease their hair to make it all big and poofy and usually have heavy bangs. Look up 'scene kid' or 'scene queen.'

    It's pretty pathetic when they label something as 'scene.' I mean, fake much?

  2. Take punk rockers, skaters, goths, and Weezer fans, jumble together and stew for 20 years. Add internets. Voila! Scenester kids

  3. its like emo people  


    This site will enlighten you.

  5. this is a pretty good example of "scene"

  6. I'm not sure how to describe it.

    Basially it's like the happier more colorful version of emo


    it's like this.

    girls with choppy hair and boys in the clothing of the other gender.

    stupid, i know. these kids are troubled...  


    Check it out, you can view all the different types of scene.

  9. well its ppl that laugh bahaha its a brighter version of emo  also they rat or tease their hair making it poofy skiny jeans heavy eye liner

    a lot of the girls were skinny jeans and too tooos

  10. People with big hair, caked on makeup & really good music taste.

  11. i'm glad you asked this...cuz i was just starting to wondering the same thing myself

  12. the girl next door- you must be stupid cuz you have no clue what scene is

    -Bright colored makeup

    -Short, choppy hair, usually thicker on one side, and containing 2+ colors.

    for girls and for guys they usally wear

    -Tight jeans

    -tight t shirts, often from elementary school/middle school, or picked up from the local thrift store.

    -tight blazers and jackets, even during a warm summer.

    -Long, greesy hair, cut and dyed at home, with bangs that cover 1/2 of a "scene" guy's face at a 45 degree angle

    and they hate posers!!

  13. strange people who are wannabe japanese anime charicatrs.  

  14. a person who tries very hard to fit the stereotype of a certain scene. often having to do with a specific genre of music emo.indie.punk.rock. dresses and acts in a prescribed fashion. image focused. vain.

    not really true.

  15. Think of it this wayy..

    you mix emo+prep+skater and this is what you get..


    yes i know, odd huh?  

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