
What the goal of chess?

by Guest56455  |  earlier

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What the goal of chess?




  1. Capture the opposing King

  2. To force a checkmate upon the opponent or make him/her resign

  3. as with most games - it's to WIN!

  4. The goal of chess is to capture the opponents king, creating a checkmate.

  5. To win (to place your opponent's king in  jeopardy of being captured). You don't actually 'capture' the king but maneuver the opposing king into a position where it cannot move.

    It is a thinking game of strategy and the way you play it can be translated into everyday life and military actions.

  6. to win

  7. The goal of chess is that each player has 16 pieces including 1 King. The actual goal is that the other player (there are 2 players) tries to get the other players King into 'check mate'. 'check' is when a piece is threatening the other players King but the King can move to free himself. 'Check mate' is when the players king can go nowhere without being threatened by the other players pieces! :) THEN, IF A PLAYER MANAGES TO GET THEIR OPPONENT INTO 'CHECK MATE' the game is over and the person who got the king into 'check mate' wins! :)

  8. Check Mate the King

  9. To win by making it so that there is nothing your opponent can do to prevent you from getting his king.

  10. Check mate

  11. capturing your opponents king and winning

  12. the object of chess, is to capture the king.  which your not exactly capturing him, but giving him no options but to surrender.  the king is actually the only pc that cannot be removed from the board.

  13. 1. checkmate your opponents King

    2. enjoy yourself

  14. To checkmate your opponents king chess is in reality a game of WAR.

  15. mate and checkmate the opponent King


  16. to win.

  17. Capture the king. Develop visual-spatial and logic skills.

  18. To Win!

  19. To win and capture the king.

  20. to checkmate your opponent's King

  21. Checkmating the king by aligning a piece of yours on the king's square while allowing no other places for the king to move.

  22. To out think your opponent and to win either by a check mate or their forfeiture.

  23. Checkmate

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