
What the gouverment is doing?

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this scared me bad!!

its sort of a long read

it will leave you freaked out!!

this is NOT a joke!!

and its scary!

please read the whole thing

it is essential to know this!




  1. hehe, I don't really buy into that.  Our government can't seem to get us out of Iraq, you think they actually have the ability to manipulate the weather???  

    Although I did hear that the Chinese were trying to stimulate rain clouds before they hit Bejing during the 2008 Olympics.  Ha, good luck with that!

  2. Yep. Thats what the Cray supercomputer was originally designed for. The United States has had the ability to manipulate weather for about sixty years. However, due to the theory of chaos, no matter how well we achieve manipulation of our environment, we will never be able to accuratly change the weather. While it would still be possible for the United States to do just what is implied in the link, there are four major problems:

    a) The manipulation of the atmosphere is completly random, so even if you had a set idea for what the experiment should do, odds are, absolutly nothing would happen.

    b) The moment we attempt to change the environment (change the weather), every country in the world would know. There is no way you can release enough energy into the ionosphere to produce a change in the weather without picking up attention.

    c) It would be unimaginably expensive. It would require billions of taxpayer dollars, and even then nothing is guarunteed to happen.

    d) there is no way to aim this theoretic man-made storm. It would be far more likely to hit us than our target, once again, because the storm can't be controlled.

    To sum it up, if we were to make an attempt change the weather, we would instantly go into a depression, the countries of the world would be really p/od with us for trying to change the environment, and odds are, nothing would happen from our little experiment. If something did, however, happen (e.g., some kind of superstorm) it would die VERY quickly, with no natural energy to support it, and would probably appear over America, depending on where this experiment took place.

    Oh, and to answer your question 'what is the government doing?', the answer is the same as they always do... absolutly nothing. =)

  3. there are several commercial weather modification company's in the U.S. the oldest is "north American weather consultants" it been in business since the 50s.

    another is "barken fog ops" in Utah.  it gos up whenever salt lake city international airport is fogged in & turns the fog to rain so planes can use the airport.

    they get paid a little under $1 for each plane that lands, & its still a profitable business because the salt lake airport is fogged in on a regular basis.

    other citys & some farm states in the west have their own cloud seeding programs to prevent hail damage to crops by causing it to fall as rain before the droplets can remain airborne long enough to turn into hail.

    other western states pay weather companys to increase winter snow fall so they will have more water in the dry summer.

    weather controll companys have been sued because whats good weather for some is not for others.

    this is one reason the government got out of it 30 years ago.

  4. that's BS and anyone who believes it is full of u kno wut.   I mean seriously then there'd be no natural disasters, no droughts, the temperature would be comfortable, and so on and so fourth.  That's just a bunch of nonsense.  sorry...

  5. I wouldnt lose any sleep on this

  6. Wow. I thought weather control was fake.

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