
What the heck happened to the color on my Flat Screen?

by  |  earlier

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I have asked this question before but I never got a straight answer from anyone, I just bought this brand spankin' new 20 inch Flat Screen television. It was manufactured in January 2008 and it is a color tv. When I connected my cables to it, all I got was black and white picture with a streak of red lines all over the screen. Can anyone tell me a website or something that will help me solve this problem. I have googled it many times and I can't seem to find an answer. 10 points to best answer.




  1. Who is the manufacturer? Google the manufacturer to find their website or call the store where you bought it to find out the 800 # for the manufacturer, unless you have a store warranty on it.

  2. die.

  3. eh, if you just bought it, i'd be marching back to the store and demanding that they either fix it of replace it.

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