
What the heck is a kipper?

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Also what is vegemite?




  1. Kipper:

    A kipper is a fish which has been split from tail to head, eviscerated, salted, and smoked. This species is a herring:


    Vegemite (/ˈvedʒɪmɑɪt/) is a dark brown savoury food paste made from yeast extract, used mainly as a spread on sandwiches, toast and cracker biscuits, as well as a filling of pastries like Cheesymite scroll, in Australia and New Zealand.

  2. kipper is an animated dog.  its a british cartoon

  3. kip·per1  Ã¢Â€Â“noun

    1. a fish, esp. a herring, that has been cured by splitting, salting, drying, and smoking.  

    2. this method of curing fish.  

    3. a male salmon during or after the spawning season.  

    –verb (used with object) 4. to cure (herring, salmon, etc.) by splitting, salting, drying and smoking.  

    OR (doubt it but it was on dictionary dot com LOL)

    kip·per2   –noun Australian Informal.

    a young male Aborigine, usually 14 to 16 years old, who has recently undergone his tribal initiation rite.

    Vegemite is a spread made from yeast. The consistensy almost like butter, dark brown in color and really stinky. :) Popular in Australia.

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