
What the heck is a service economy? How can America survive if all our manufacturing goes overseas?

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enter the free trade acts. Free trade should exist with a nation, but international free trade only benefits trans national corporations. If we submit ourselves to global warming cap and trade, how much more will that benefit China and India who will not limit their oil consumption or emissions?




  1. 1. a service economy is one where the productivity of manufacturing has increased so much that fewer of the people's efforts are required to produce the "things" necessary for a comfortable life, and therefore can spend more on luxury services.

    2. I suspect that you over estimate the changes in the manufacturing sector. The US is one of the largest manufacturing nations in the world, and one of the largest exporting nations as well.

    3. I have no idea what "free trade should exist with a nation" means. Free trade with one nation is international trade. I think you are confused about something.

    4. Free trade benefits many people. My dad is a small farmer in Indiana, and free trade benefits him- big time.Even though he has never sold a grain of corn outside the state...

    5. How do you know India and China won't limit thier carbon emmissions? And even if they don't, does two wrongs make a right?


  2. Its the question of the century! Free trade policies should  always be backed up by good relations with partners who respect your manufacturing and technology base as well as your currency. A service economy puts all the presure on the consumer with no tax break. If you assets are only the land or house you own your luquidity is subject to government debt and speculation hence the need to bail out fannie mae and fannie mac.

    Both of the countries you named need us more than we need them, really. We need to invest in SouthAmerican countries and have much better political sense with them.

  3. A service economy in the new global economic structure is a feudal system.

  4. Free trade enables you to buy stuff cheaper.

    It allows you to sell your products to a wider range of customers.

    But your products have to be viable.

    The solution is - make viable products.

  5. The jury is out now trying to decide if America will survive----do not believe any nation can survive on service jobs alone. As to trade agreements(they must be fair as well as free), they are what have this nation in such a mess at this point-----people may not realize this but this nation cannot even produce the products necessary to carry on a war or defend itself----these must be obtained from importing same----our tax structure encourages corporations to move overseas for making their products with cheap labor---but I do not see a reduction in price when these products are sold here in America----seems that our greatest export is our jobs with the current trend being oursourcing of hi-tech jobs.

  6. It can't. I love instances like this when left ideas and right-wing populist ideas converge. Even Pat freakin Buchanan is not a "free trader".  

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