
What the heck is so special about Chuck Norris?

by Guest44867  |  earlier

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okay anyone who is a chuck norris fan please enlighten me.What is so special about Chuck Norris?all year long my friends talked about Chuck Norris is awesme and he could whip god's *** in a fight (i doubt it) and that he doesn't need to breathe underwater...just making outrageous claims and i don't know why everyone goes so ga ga over him,he's just a regular human being like you and me,and usually it's white boys who go ga ga over him (not to be racist) but that's usually who talks about him being god or somehting,they go bonkers over him and their scared of him too. they worship him like a god or soemthing i don't get it,and if you don't beleive me here's what i'm talking about right here>>>>>>> you see their actually scared of that man,lol so please any chuck norris fans enlighten me.




  1. Why does Rocky Horror Picture show still show at midnight, What is so special about the Toxic Avenger? He has just gotten a cult following and that is about it. He isn't really anything special but he does have some interesting facts about him (that's sarcasm if you didn't know). He was also one of the best martial arts fighters ever and that is a fact.

  2. chuck who?

  3. Chuck Norris hasn't been Yahoo'd here, Yahoo has been CHUCKed!

  4. He is an awesome martial artist at one point he was the second best in the world I believe Bruce Lee was number one he is a good role model also he tries to keep kids off drugs in school and away from alcohol and out of gangs he is a very nice person in real life also.  

  5. he used to be hot sh*t bad in the bruce lee days, he trained with him and stuff so he became an instant martial arts classic.  and like many old fads he developed a resurgence of "coolness" that developed into a trendy fan club.  just like a bunch of old campy fads become cool again so to did the chuckmeister.  what was once corny and gitchy now has a cult following like old toys or clothes or the rocky horror picture show, so it's "cool" for some people to jump on the "chuck norris is the toughest man alive"band wagon and the more outrageous the claims the funnier and cool it is. personally i think he's and over the hill martial artist and a mediocre at best actor.  i don't know about him being able to whip god's *** but i'm sure he could pop my head off like a daisy, so chuck if you're listening no hard feelings ok?

  6. he aint that special...i dont even know him

  7. He owns.

  8. He is, actually, Native American.  He can kick some butt, but he is no Bruce Lee.

  9. bahahah, Chuck Norris IS god. What a gun. Here's why:

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

    When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

    Chuck Norris once commented, "There are few problems in this world that cannot be solved by a swift roundhouse kick to the face. In fact, there are none."

    And so on... :D

  10. hes very talented

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