
What the heck is up with these 2?

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What's up with Ryan Newman and Rusty Wallace? I heard they're having a '' feud '' so to speak because Ryan is leaving RPR. What's the problem here? Someone please tell me?!




  1. Rusty has had a chip on his shoulder for years over Newman.

    I think Newman bumped him, or bumped him back once. And Rusty got all bent out of shape bout it.

    (Hmmmmm, doesn't he always say.."That's just racin")

    So maybe Rusty should shut his pie-hole and let it go. It happened a looooong time ago.

  2. Rusty never liked Ryan because Ryan came in with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue, has had good early success and wouldn't put up with Rusty's mouth. Probably because Ryan new more about how the cars were constructed and could discuss issues intelligently with team engineers.  

    I doubt Ryan ever asked Rusty anything.  Had to really chafe Rusty's butt. Rusty knows it all, you don't have to ask him either. He tells you.


  3. The feud is not BECAUSE Ryan is leaving it is because Rusty said that Ryan got fired.  Both Roger Penske and the Rocketman refute that and they say it was mutual.  Actually, I think Ryan told him he was leaving but I do not know that as fact so I'M not going to pull a "Rusty".  They have never been close and I think Rusty has always been jealous of Ryan's immediate success in the cup series.  Apparently Ryan didn't kiss Rusty's butt enough when they were teammates.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  4. I don't know what started it all.  But now that Newman is leaving, Penske should move Kurt out of the Miller Lite car, bring Rusty out of retirement, and then they could settle it on the track!

    That'd be awesome.

  5. In case you haven't noticed Rusty doesn't drive anymore, but before he RETIRED, Ryan and Rusty didn't get along too well.  But no, that is not the reason that Ryan is leaving Penske.  Rusty has nothing to do with Penske anymore so that woudn't affect Newman.

  6. trpetzold has it right, racing incident led to the fued.

  7. Rusty is an arrogant punk, who lied on national television by saying Roger Penske fired Ryan Newman.  Roger came out later and said he didnt know what Rusty was talking about and that Ryan was not fired.

  8. fight all they want

    i dont like either one

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