
What the heck is wrong with the judges in the gymnastic event?

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there is a tie. there is no tie in the olympics. i dont see shawn johnson anymore. is she now out or what.




  1. like that narrarator said, they are unexperienced. im sure they are, thats what i was wondering, you gives a tie in the olympics, seriously?

  2. Shawn will be in the bean with Nastia and Nastia should have won the gold there were some errors that they didn't count against her. Def no way to get a 9.3.

  3. You're referring to the Individuals for Uneven bars I assume in which He (the chinese girl) tied with Nastia Luikin but won gold over her.

    Okay. Let me explain. You have to qualify for individual events in preliminaries. Nastia qualified for uneven bars, Johnson did not.

    And there is absolutely nothing wrong with the judges. If you are insinuating that the judges somehow cheated then you're wrong. Here's how it works. There are six judges that judge each attempt. The highest and lowest scores are tossed and the remaining 4 scores are averaged together to produce the final score that you see. (btw, judges from the competitor's native country are not allowed to judge. i.e. no American judged Nastia and no Chinese judge judged the Chinese girl). In this case the average was tied. The automatic tiebreaker works this way: of the remaining four scores, the lowest is dropped and the highest remaining 3 are averaged. The Chinese girl had a higher average. Thus she got gold and Nastia got silver. If you are saying the 6 judges converged to rig it so that such a tiebreaker would occur, then that would be ridiculous, for them to coordinate down to the thousandth of a point.

    Don't blame the judges. Blame the system. Or get over it.  

  4. The scores are averages of the what the juges gave her so a tie is just a mere coinky dink and as for shawn johnson she will be competing in the balance beam event finals  

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