
What the heck was it?

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This week two years ago I had just come back from a holiday in turkey and while I was away my uncle and his girlfriend (about 22 years old) Were watching our house, but my aunt (His sister) also went on holiday with us and she had a small flat so instead of watching my house they stayed about 1 night in my house and the rest of the 2 weeks at hers!

Anyways when we got home i used the bathroom and came out to go back down the stairs. (It was my mum and two brothers in the house only) As I walked to the landing I heard in my uncles EXACT voice "Do you wanna go to the cinema?" and in his girlfriends voice replied "Nah I dont really feel like it"

Now they were no where near my house at this time and my two brothers were 5 & 9 years old so it was not them.

I was not tired of anything I know exactly what I heard and I know it was their voices coming from my landing (where I was standing)

Ive heard about people hearing things when they move into new house from the past owners.




  1. I don't know what it was either, but maybe instead of worrying about it, you should check into finding how you can develop this sense more. It sounds like it could be very useful in the future. Maybe you are changing, evolving into a telepath or something of that nature. What a great thing to have, in my opinion.

  2. Maybe u hearin things or mayb they installed sumthing a voice rcording of themselves to guard or to put caution on buglars that ther are people in the house while they have gone to your aunts flat which was prefably comfortable fo them to stay in.realy check the house for those kind of gadgets

  3. Sounds kinda like the sort of phenomenon that some paranormal investigators call, "residual haunting." Despite it's name, it's not an actual spirit of a dead person though, more like an visual and/or audio recording that's imprinted in time and space, usually when there's a lot of emotional energy involved (like the events leading to someone's death, though not always that significant). The images/sounds may repeat every so often, but they usually fade over time. You've never heard it again so if it is that sort of thing, then the energy has probably already faded. Science so far can't explain how or why it happens, and since it still falls into the realm considered "paranormal," I doubt very many scientist are even trying to look into it.

  4. I am guessing that it was an auditory hallucination, induced by changing sleeping patterns. Its not so uncommon. When you travel you dont get as much sleep as you should and it changes the chemicals in the brain a little.

    I used to get auditory hallucinations all the time when I was in the habit of taking naps, and staying up late at night in college. It would usually be peoples voices I knew, and it was clear what they were saying.

    It was basically a form of narcilepsy which was induced because my naps were draining some chemicals in the brain.

    Sorry, it was awhile back, so I can't remember all the terminology.

    It didn't feel like I was tired when it would happen either.

    I am guessing this is what you experienced.

    I really don't buy into the thing about houses recording sounds or visuals. There just isn't anything about a house that could record stuff.

  5. You were young.  This was two years ago.  I know it seemed real.  As far as the brain is concerned hallucinations *are* real.  But which is easier to believe, that people who are still alive can have suspended, indefinite echoes, or that you were daydreaming or imagining something?

  6. Ever had odd thoughts pop into your head completely out of nowhere? Like left feild stuff, exactly like this, but in your head? Did you ask your uncle and his girlfriend if they'd said that? If not, you should... cause it sounds to me like you might telepathic. You might have been picking up on their residual energies that were left in the house, which gives you a link to them. Or it could be a simple as one of them was thinking about you when you heard that.
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