
What the heck was that?

by  |  earlier

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I hugged a friend of mine goodbye (I happen to be in love with him) by putting one arm around his neck and closing the space between us. He just gave me two pats on the back and put his arm down he didn't even hug me back! This is unusual for him to do this. He'd usually hug me back.

What does this mean?




  1. oh he's just being a guy, probably got something he needs to do on his mind, like what sport on TV and didn't think about how he'd make you feel. That's guys for u... don't worry about it, be cool.  

  2. He might like you back but he wanted to be manly and not want to show it but he might be thinking inside I wish she didn't leave!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. it dosent mean anything it was one hug it was a akward hug meaning next time h**l get it right and make a move

  4. u probably pissd him off somehow. i dont really know i wasnt there. but you more than likely made him upset without realizing it. if it was me i would have stiff armed u :P jk

  5. Sorry, but this is just my opinion--

    Maybe you're being a little more obvious in your feelings than you realize?  He probably sensed that you are into him, and felt uncomfortable.  He did the 'guy hug' thing because he didn't want you to get the wrong idea.  

  6. Sounds like he's not sure what to do, and he's trying to comfort you, he either likes you, or doesn't like you but realizes you like him.

  7. it's either he's embarrassed by the gesture or he knows how you feel about him and he feels awkward about the situation.  

  8. You had BO or he had BO.

    Or he found out you are in love with him.

  9. i dont know maybe he didnt want to hug you that day

  10. ...Maybe it means that he's not a robot who hugs exactly.the.same.way. every time...?

  11. might be he's sad to leave you ...  

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