
What the h**l? Can somebody tell me whats going on/

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Why do I keep seeing solid time like

- 9.30

- 7.25

- 3.50

and sometimes its like




Lets say out of 10 times of me looking at my watch in 2 hours.

6 out of ten will be like the time I just mentioned

What does this mean?




  1. I see 11:11 and 1:11 all the time. I used to see 9:11 before Sept. 11.  I don't see that anymore now. I heard 1:11 was a good number though spiritual and enlightened.  

  2. In the other hand.. When I fixate and remember a certain Number/time because I saw a few times by pure coincidence, my subconscious will try to connect it to the next familiar number and it seems to appear more often times then other numbers. In actuality it does not appear more often, but in my mind it seems to because it is the number I am looking for.

    Unless i am a freak of nature...all numbers appear random and there is nothing i can do about that or there is no Power that can control it.

  3. It is most likely a coincidence. Like I almost always see the clock/watch at the time of 9:11.

  4. I think it is all a matter of probability.  On average, if you look at the clock at random times, you will see a time that ends in an even number half the time.  Even though the issue you stated above seems contrary, the fact of the matter is that you would have to actually keep track of this to make a solid observation.

  5. I would check into if it means someones birthday, maybe important times to the family, death  or wedding. It might just be your mind just keeps doing it. I mean kinda of like you get use to eating at the same time so your stomach gets hungry at the same time. In books of numerology it says there are  reasons why you see the same numbers over and over. Maybe that will help. I'm glad to see not only strange things happen to me. Best of luck finding out.

  6. you don't have a very long attention span.  

  7. it means "time "

  8. omg its soo weird bcuz almost everyday i look at da time and its like 10:22, and its kinda my sister in laws fault bcuz she was born on 10/22

    and she would always b like look its 10:22 out of noewhere and now i alwayz see da time, i really dont noe wat it means but i noe wat ur tlkin bout, cuz it happens to me when i juz randomly look at da time

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