
What the h**l did I try on?

by  |  earlier

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Call shens all you want Babby H. I know I tried a device on and it did something to me. I just want to know why my experience was so radically different, especially since first of all it was designed to make you see goofy colors but I saw none. It was all black and white. Even when I told the guy who apparently invented the device he looked at me kinda funny so I figure it wasn't designed to make me see what I saw. I don't know what I was supposed to see but I'm guessing it wasn't supposed to be people that aren't there.




  1. Do a search on the 3rd eye, or the brow chakra. It really sounds to me like this gizmo opened your third eye. I've done that before, been walking down the street with my eyes closed, but still seeing the path in front of me, through my 3rd eye, which is in the forehead, between the eyes.  

  2. i have know idea. i might just be an illousion. and maybe it appears different for everyone. or maybe she has a eye issue like ahe needs glasses or something. but sorry i reaslly dont know.

  3. apparently you've crossed over.

    Your paranormal side has seen the ghosts of the convention...


    it's also just a re-action with your brain, a lot of it is based on creativity and imagination,...the lights may have had some psychological effect on you - causing your brain to over-react ..or just function as if you were in a sense, dreaming / hallucinating.  

  4. i call shens on your story.

  5. I have heard of such devices and they are generally used for meditation. It's kind of like self hypnosis. What you saw was in your own mind. Not everyone can be hypnotized, hence some people only seeing colors.

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