
What the h**l do you do when studying for a degree in criminal justice?

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i mean, all you need to be a cop is to go to the academy right? so what do you do when your trying to a degree in criminal justice? is it just general education like make and english and all that unless c**p or do they prepare you better for when your out there? thanks to all who answered!




  1. Most criminal justice courses are not very helpful in teaching someone how to do police work. But most departments now are requiring 60 credits to even apply. If you want to study something that's going to help take pre law or business courses. Accounting and business stuff goes a long way when you're looking for promotion later.

  2. In Minnesota you need at the bare minimum a two year associate's degree before you can even apply to take the licensing exam.  Most departments are looking for people that have four-year degrees.  It is impossible to walk off the street and expect to be a licensed officer.

  3. From the grammar and spelling of your question, you need the English and other "useless c**p".

  4. It goes over a lot of things you go over lots of classes about law enforcement  and some general classes. It is not very hard to do I am almost done with my ADJ degree

  5. If you just want to be a 'cop', then you are right. Character interview and passing the psych exam are more important (depending on the economy and unemployment rate, which pretty much sucks right now).

    However, having a degree shows not only commitment, but probably helps your employer decide to choose that person over someone who otherwise cannot write a decent report (including 'unless c**p' such as you're vs. your), or testify in a courtroom, or intelligently make a decision on the spot when needed. I would think it also could be a determining factor in whether you remain a traffic cop or are promotable to detective.

    A criminal justice degree also opens doors for corporate security management, if policing doesn't work out (it also pays pretty well).

    I'm not sure what 'education like make' means. If that was supposed to be 'math', you would use that in traffic accident investigation. Coefficient of friction and length of skid goes a long way towards determining speed.

    Anyway, if you have the chance and time to get some schooling, I'd recommend it.

    Just some thoughts. Good luck & hope you make the squad.

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