
What the h**l happened?

by  |  earlier

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This forum was fun when I first started. People would ask questions about a sport they loved and lovers of the same sport would answer. Slowly but surely it has degenerated into the farce it is now. People deleting other people's questions. People abusing other people purely coz they have a different opinion or nationality. Multiple identities. Fans of other sports dribbling c**p coz they think their sport is better. Am I the only one who thinks this and has this always been the case?




  1. If  you don't get involved in it then it makes no difference, just stick to the questions that talk about footy and ignore the answers you get that digress. Don't give them attention and they go away.

  2. It's turning into a nitemare.  I used to enjoy coming here everyday.  I'm tired of violations, troublemakers and trolls.  It's not a fun place anymore.  I don't come here as often anymore.

  3. You're definitely NOT the only one.

  4. It's called bullying and NO it was never like this.

    I have learned now to ignore the criticism.

    I have one account,how the h**l do they find time to keep up with multiple accounts.One is hard enough.

  5. Mate there are some sad, sad people out there with nothing to do but ruin a good forum. I have rarely been on here in the last couple of months, just can't be bothered anymore. I've been spending my net time at, its great.

    18 months ago this forum wasnt  so popular, and it was just a few regulars contributing, it was great.

  6. What happened.?

    Everytime I try & have a yarn someone reports me & I get a deletion, then a violation notice, for "Not a question or an answer".

    HI RR.

  7. This place used to be fun, until a select few started with all the cloning, the baiting & abusing of others for HAVING AN OPINION. Whether it be because they barrack for a different team, support a different code, or just cant handle women who have a relevant opinion on football matters( it does happen & they do have opinions!)

    So for F*** sake people! cant we get back to the real issue, THE GAME WE ALL LOVE.

    Not this BULL$HIT that would make my 6 year old & friends in the schoolyard think WTF are these SO CALLED grownups carrying on about.

    GROW UP!

  8. i don't often come into the AFL section ... just occassionally.. so I haven't been aware of the S***e that is obviously going on at the moment......

    BUT ... I have experienced the same type of thing ... In chat rooms, In Yahoo groups and clubs..., Yahoo News Boards... Yahoo Australian News Boards....

    now I don't know who is or who isn't the troll on the AFL section .. I'm just writing broadly ...BUT you wonder what these type of people did BEFORE they had the internet ,, Were they the spiteful town gossips ? or the ones that placed fire-crackers in pensioners mail boxes or pets :(  

    And the time and extent that they go to in their business of trolling is staggering .. I mean what else do they do in their lives.....

    I have been caught up in the Troll wars .. in various things .. trying to fight fire with fire and inevitably being dragged down to the same level they are on ....I have found it is really better to follow the advice of DO NOT FEED THE TROLL...

    We can have fun spatting and arguing and debating and discussing and hanging S***e on one another's teams . .BUT there's little ill-spirit intended in MOST cases....

    Anyway that was just my two cents worth ..I'll just wander off and read more Questions

    Take care all

  9. i have just found this section but i will say what i like because i would guess most of us would be Aussies,and as far as i can gather that is what we do here in oz,if some one pisses you off you tell them to get ******,strewth that is how most of us speak any how.... when you tell someone that they are a ******** it is not meant to be personal it is just a generic term used at some one. eg do we really think that the people reffing the game are maggots......

  10. Same on every section, trolls in packs.I even encountered this in my favourite section, Gardening.

  11. ASTERIX,personally my Carlton friend Ive rarely had a problem on here but if you choose to get involved in some of the personal politics that goes on in this section then the experiences you'll have on here will generally have a sour taste to them.

    So id suggest sticking to the good parts and leave the sniping to the ones that do it best,yes Ive had my fair share of run inns but on the whole I'll leave that to others who seem to get off on it.

    sometimes its hard to distinguish between the ones who are serious or the ones just having a stirr (e.g Wayne A loves a stirr every so months) but at least its never dull in here cheers!


  12. I love all sports & like to get on with others despite their preferences. I wonder why we can't all do that? It's like the abuse we Aussies copped from Indians(and are still getting) in the cricket section after the Harbhajan incident.It's NOT sporting to rubbish other sports, or sportsmen.

  13. Trolls from WCE

    thats simple

    check it out 8 mths ago

    no life

  14. i agree lets all get back to footy and the main thing THE BLUE BOYZ

  15. Yeah I know what you mean, Wat on earth happened?

    This Forum was the reason I signed up on Yahoo Q/A..

    I was so stoked I could yarn with other passionate fans of the game!!

    I hope this is all just a short phase and it'll all come back together again with the continuation of the season!!

    Fingers Crossed!!

  16. I cant say in here **** happens.

    That's what has happened, anyway.

    Asterix, you should stick to sticking it up them Romans! Leave Aussie Rules footy to the real men!

    You can put it all down to one sheila who thinks she runs this section. Run her up & read what she says about herself - scarey!!!

    She is the one that has got all these factions going hammer & tong against each other. I'm not gunna bother much about posting under my true ID as she just snipes & sends privare e-mails to other users to back her up & side with her......& frightening as it is - some people do do that!

    I don't care what she sez about me anymore . I just give it back in the same manner.

  17. Yea i totally agree. the only questions that are worth answering are the AFL and Running questions anyway.  people really need to get over the s***.

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