
What the h**l is Americas Problem?

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They are now seeking to impose sanctions against Russia for fighting Georgia even though Georgia was the original aggressor. What about the Iraq war, does America get to decide whos allowed to go to war now. Why do all these other countries follow America (UN,NATO)?




  1. the nations already choose side since the cold war

    the only problem now is Georgia want to change

  2. the world is coming to an end...are you ready  

  3. Don't worry, the punishment will be set aside, when it comes to the situation in Iran. America will "forget" Georgia, if Russia doesn't interfere with American actions towards Iran.

    This is what the whole situation is all about.

  4. Russia's goal is to once again reunite it's breakaway provinces and be the great super power it once was. They moved on Georgia and expanded the conflict. Too bad Georgia wasn't yet accepted into NATO, otherwise this would be a whole different matter. The next thing Russia will do is go after the Yukraine. [sp?]  Yea. This is the stuff of WW3.

  5. At least when the next attack happens on US soil Americans won't sit back and wonder 'why me' they will know why they have been attacked - A country cannot go around getting in every other countries' business without retaliation!

    Can people like Connor please stop saying WW2 was won because of Americans that's bull c**p and you know it! They had first hand with Japan - however Russia had crippled the elite of the German army before US joined! It goes without say the more help you have on your side the quicker and more efficient the win! Don't take all the credit - many people throughout the world died fighting in WWII - and not just soldiers -eg  64,000 cilvilians died in UK 1,000 in USA

  6. The u.s. in all respects has been the protector of the free world since 1823 when the monroe doctrine was passed. if you think about it we swore to protect the america's then. Then in 1904 with the rosevelt corollary we also moved to protect countries and free people and small nations in the caribbean. Given the fact we now live in a much different world than back then but its the same story all over again, we are just living up to that standard our fore fathers set long ago to defend the little guy. Its happened time and time again throughout our history. As far as this particular instance what our government see's is a democractic government in Georgia in a fight with a supposed aggressor. to that accord it doesnt matter who started it but rather how we can resolve it and honestly with out the worlds influence what is to stop Russia from essentially taking over that country for purposes our government has deemed threatening. but then again we dont practice what we preach all the time either.

  7. Georgia didn't invade another sovereign nation with a disproportionate amount of force, it was the other way around.  What the h**l is your problem - why are you rooting for the dictator and the fascist instead of siding with the good guys?  You are twisted if you support people like Putin.

  8. perhaps a pain in bush's @ss

  9. well I'm glad they stoped and georgia was willing to a cease fire and innocent victims died by Russia's little tantrum this problem child needs a good whipping and who cares how many nukes russia has no one knows how many it takes to destroy the earth and america is a good country we are not the enemy were a friend to those who wants peace but a giant to those who murder and want to genocide . nato is good for all who want peace and freedom.

  10. Where there is a man that has no voice there ours shall go on singing! I love my country. The U.S.A. will make a stand for countries that are being terrorized.

  11. Ehh, I know, sometimes I think the US tries to be everywhere and involved with everything. The government needs to hire/elect new people to decide what IS and ISN'T a legitimate threat to it's people and those who rely on it for protection.

  12. First, the UN is useless, this latest action from Russia (a member of UN) proves it.  Countries will use the UN if it serves their purpose and when it doesn't, they do what they want anyway.

    It didn't Saddam Hussein, didn't stop terrorists, didn't stop China from violating child labor laws or the Tianneman Square massacre, nor did it stop the Korean war, Vietnam, or any war for that matter, so do the USA give them hundreds of billions of dollars?

    Second, both sides will claim to be the victims, but winners write the history books.

  13. We're just simply at the cornerstone of an uncertain time. If you're from Asia then I'm sure you know of the atrocities committed by the Japanese Empire, horrors greater than anything America's ever done. For those in Europe, your entire continent owes America a great deal of appreciation, we saved you from the likely probability of totalitarian rule under the fist of a n**i tyrant and his regime. The numerous genocides in Africa are far from anything America's ever committed. America's not perfect, we've done horrible things in the past and continue to do so this day, but as a major power America's every move is watched and critiqued. It's truly sad just the condition that we're in today as a nationality. People must simply cut us some slack and await a hopefully better future once the Bush administration leaves office. People must also realize that inside America, as with any other country, peoples' opinions vary and that grouping all Americans and subsequently stereotyping them is a sad judgment that really hurts the individual in the end, as they may never get to know some of the wonderful people that inhabit America, as with everywhere else on this great globe.

  14. Russia has nothing to do with Ukraine, stop bullshitting.  

  15. Friends help friends.  

  16. It just goes to show that Bush has absolutely no idea how to handle foreign policy.  You'd think that after 7.5 years he'd have learned by now.

  17. First it isn't ww3 until France surrenders and the US has to do what it is doing to save face in that Georgia has/had troops in Iraq

  18. Don't get excited... The UN is "Upset" because they KNOW the Yanks are in NO Position to do anything about what's going on in Georgia- & they want to assert some pressure of their OWN on Russia while it can... Ultimately, this "Conflict" isn't going to amount to a Hill of Beans... -It's the NEXT One that's coming, that we should be worried about (& I'm HOPING that IT doesn't occur before next Summer...)...  :(

  19. what problem, we did not attack georgia.

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