
What the h**l is Ann Coulter smoking?

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She clearly does not know about conservative unity at all. She always makes personal attacks on fellow conservatives who she does not agree with and calls them liberal. She called Mike Huckabee a stupid Christian and say that she would vote against John Mccain if he was the nominee for the Republican party.





  2. This makes me laugh.  And to think anyone ever gave this crazy woman any credibility for being a sane commentator!

  3. I think Robert is right. She uses shock. Maybe like Howard Stern, not everyone watches because they like them. They watch to hear what they'll say next. I agree with you, her personal attacks can't be winning her fans. Maybe just more viewers. Too bad.

  4. It's called having an considered opinion.

    I understand how difficult it is to have to understand this without being told what to think.  Liberal thought is like that sometimes.

    You take politics as a religion.  You will support ANYTHING that your political party supports, whether you understand it or not.

    She insists on decency, common sense and rationality (Google them if  you have problems understanding).

    "Unity" doesn't trump them.

    She criticizes what she doesn't approve of.  You don't know what you approve of until you are told so.

    The "smoke" you see is coming from between your ears.

    (Liberal tantrum and retaliatory Yahoo violation in 5...4...3...2...1..........................

  5. I don't think she smokes..You must mean someone else.

  6. She does it for attention and, sadly, it works. She gets ratings because even people who despise her will watch her just to get angry. Half the time you really can't take her seriously. Like the comments above said, she's just trying to shock you. I wish everyone would just ignore her, especially the mainstream media. Maybe then she'd finally go away.

  7. Ann is a very smart shrewd businesswoman. She makes tons of money on TV, Radio and with her books. You could call her a Shock Jock. Not much different from Howard Stern or the late George Carlin. Don't be fooled, she is very conservative.

  8. She's just hateful and looking for attention any way she can get it.


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