
What the h**l is an Obamabot?

by  |  earlier

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And are there McCainacons?




  1. A robot! and A macainacon is a CanNIBAL

  2. I think they're those toys from the 80's that turned a little toy into a superhero or something.   No, I'm wrong....they're

    a misguided voter that is choosing "not the other guy".  

    I think they're just like McCainacons..., also, voting for "not the other guy".

    Of course, those voters who care about the American people, issues and solutions that will solve real problems that face our country, they'll be voting for Nader.  

  3. A peson who runs around resounding CHANGE--CHANGE-CHANGE without ever looking at his voting record or any of his actual policy positions.  The same with th McCain people. Don't just vote, know WHY you are voting for the candidate of your choice.

  4.    An Obamabot is a person that believes making nice flowery speeches, serving 147 days in the US Senate out of almost 4 years, writing no meaningful legislation, voting present more times than ya or nay. associating with racists and terrorists,having two books ghost written for you and being a guest lecturer at a university somehow qualifies you as a good presidential candidate.

  5. The Urban Dictionary online states the following:

    A person who supports Obama and is willing to vote for him but doesn't know a thing about him.

    It's just a label for someone who doesn't know anything about Obama. You call them a Obamabot because they just spew out their support but have nothing else to show.

    RE:  McCainacocons:  There has been much less enthusiasm for McCain's candidacy than Obama's, particularly prior to McCain's VP choice.  So, for monikers like this to take hold, there have to be a set of conditions in existence for a while before they are effective.  For example, Obama's supporters have been in existence and strong a lot longer than McCain's have been.

  6. I've seen a lot Obamabots on tv this past week when they had their convention.  You can sell anything to those people,  It seems they are people who can be told anything by Obama and they adhere to it and support him for it.  They don't think for themselves.  How else can you explain him saying that he supports women and then turns around and disses women and Hilary by picking Biden.  And yet all the Obamabots keep saying "yeah, Obama wants whats best for women".....they just spit out the nonsense they hear from him

  7. A person who supports Obama and is willing to vote for him but doesn't know a thing about him.

    It's just a label for someone who doesn't know anything about Obama. You call them a Obamabot because they just spew out their support but have nothing else to show.

  8. hah what?

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