
What the h**l is australian football???

by Guest59548  |  earlier

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What the h**l is australian football???





    This might give you a taste of it!

  2. Aussie rules ??????   look it up.

  3. It's Called AFL and its made up of Teams all over australia

    GO! Wersternbulldogs

    other teams include

    Geelong Cats

    Port adilade

    Melboune Storm

    Sydney Swans


    What some contries Call football we call soccer and we call AFL Football it's a Great game Not Quite as violant as Rugby But What it lacks in Tackels it makes up in compation!!! Hope that helps

  4. Lex don't comment on something you know nothing about.

    You sound like someone who's never played competitive, tough sport in your life.

  5. look up you f.u.cken loser

  6. Rugby, it's a combination of soccer and american football.

  7. the  greatsest game on earth

  8. Its Called Ozzy Rules

    And Its ****

  9. Try Googling it for best results.

    It's an Australian version of football, hence the name.

  10. vegaspapi, you couldn't be any more wrong.

    australian football is a free flowing game with a completely different set of rules than anything you're used to.  the only sport it could be compared to is the irish game, gaelic football.

    here's some basic rules:

    - 22 players a side, 18 on the field and 4 on the interchange. players can be interchanged at any time.

    - four quarters of 20 minutes, plus time on (average quarter goes for about 29 minutes)

    - ball used is oval shaped, a bit bigger than a gridion ball with rounded ends (not pointy) and made of leather.

    - 2 ways to get rid of the ball, by kicking or handballing (making a fist and hitting ball, most effective with top part of your hand)

    - there are four goal posts set up like     i I I i     , where the posts on the end are shorter than the middle ones.  kicking through the middle scores 6, through the other gaps scores 1.

    - field is roughly 150m long

    obviously there's a heap of other rules like tackling and marking (catching the ball after it's been kicked), but that's probably enough to give you an idea

  11. Um, according to the ornery (Australian) man sitting beside me, it is "the best d**n game in the history of the world. no helmets, no pads." I myself think that honor belongs to badmitton, but what can you do?

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