
What the h**l is boston thinking

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why would u trade him for garbage who thinks they are gonna regret this trade i realli do and hope tht they lose every game they play theres they world series hopes and its stupid because the stupid *** yankees got an amazing player pudge and they go and trade there best player come on now there not continders anymore the yanks will win the AL east cuz the devil rays are gonna choke and ima huge boston fan and im saying tht the yanks are the best in the AL east now




  1. yeah i no there a contending  and they just gave away there best player

  2. Yeah the Yankees made some good moves.  Who'd have thought it.  

    As for the Sox, wait to see the new guy play before judging.  I'm sad and a little mad too but if your guy is not a team player it's gonna bring the other guys down.  We survived losing Mo Vaughn and Pedro and Nomar-this management team is really good.  So, cross your fingers like I will, cheer for the new guy, and wait two weeks to see what happens OK?  (Bye Manny!  Luv ya.  Thanks for everything!!!)

  3. Dude you clearly don't know anything about what was happening with anyone do you? hahaha

  4. Pudge Rodriguez is NOT a quality player any longer.  In fact, didn't they just trade for yet another guy who has his name mentioned in steroid rumours?

    His 3 or 4 home runs were, well, equal to Mr. "I just signed a big contract" Posada.  

    I still don't see the Yankees making the playoffs

  5. Sure, Boston traded Manny. But he was a distraction off the field. Jason Bay is a solid player that can help the Red Sox.  

  6. First off, Jason Bay is not garbage. Come on dude, he might not be the RBI machine than Manny is, but he still is pretty good.

    The Yankees don't have the best team. The Red Sox still do. Manny was gonna be gone at the end of the year anyways. He wasn't gonna pick up the option. Tampa will choke, and the Red Sox will win the division. don't jump ship on your team yet.

  7. The question should be: What the h**l was Manny thinking?

  8. Jason Bay isn't "garbage." Manny's production has been down in 2007 and 2008. Bay's numbers are almost as good as Manny's, now that Manny (36) is on the decline. And Bay has played in 47 more games than Manny has since 2006, hitting 3 more home runs. Bay is also signed through next year, when he will makes $12.5M less than Manny made this year. Besides, Manny basically forced this trade. What choice did they have? BTW, Bay's OPS (.894) is far better than I-Rod's (.756). It's almost as good as Manny's is this year (.926), and it is better than Manny's was last year. You seem to place value on players based on PAST performance, not the present. Perhaps you should be the next GM of the Mets.

  9. Jason Bay is a very good player. Check out the numbers this season; they are almost identical to Manny's. I think the Red Sox were the winners of this whole deal. Manny was going to leave anyways and also cause more distractions.

  10. I think that the trade speaks volumes about the the desire of the Red Sox organization to trade Manny before the deadline.  The owners were sick of him, his manager was sick of him and his teammates were surely tired of his childish antics which seemed to lately affect their game.

    In no way can Jason Bay be compared to Manny, but I think everyone involved with the team are surely breathing sighs of relief.  The Manny Era is over.  Good luck to him in LA.

  11. Boston traded manny because he was being a*****e to the whole team because of his contract, and that is why they traded him not because they are not contenders. Jason Bay has basically the same stats as Manny (i'm not saying he is anywhere as good as Manny). So i think that the team can still make it to the playoffs. I don't know if they would go to the WS because the Angels look good right now, but the Red Sox own the Angels in october (partly because of Manny). The Yankees are not the best team because they have no pitching, and the loss of Farnsworth is going to hurt their bullpen. Also Pudge was an amazing player like 4 years ago. Now all they have is his glove. They gave up their main guy in the 8th inning for a guy that will bat 8th in their lineup. Honestly i think the Red Sox still have a chance to make the playoffs because the clubhouse problem is gone.

  12. AMEN,I have no answer why but you said it best

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