
What the h**l is going on?!?

by Guest62926  |  earlier

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The Jonas Brothers are taking over the world...




  1. i have no clue....and miley is much worse in my opinion

  2. Yeah I know.

    I love them for doing that, and I love the Jonas Brothers, but I want Tokio Hotel to do the same without going through Disney.

  3. i hate them thats whats going on

  4. i know right half this board is questions about them WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO

  5. sad isnt it, the world is being overcome by disney stars *sigh* youd think the 21st century would know good music

  6. they are with disney

    disney owns the world


  7. w/e you can be that way all the haters can be that way every one has there opinions! and that is yours! the jonas brothers are just living there dream! what would you do if you were them or some other celebrity?

  8. Don't complain about something you're contributing too

    Another Jonas question was just asked by you.

    Some word of advice

    == Use the search bar ==

    SOOO many people ask this question

    Its irratating


  9. i know it is awesome!!!!


    duh where have you been for the last like 6 months????

  10. they'll be dropped like a bad habit, its just a phase

  11. Their music sucks

  12. they are no different then miley

  13. well duh. Because they're cool like that.

  14. Well yeah the world cannot actually get into GOOD music is sad.

  15. Izzy B- You are wrong

    Miley pulls off her clothing and takes pictures of herself time after time while the Jonas Brothers KEEP their clothing on and ARE Christians.

    I like the Jonas Brothers,yeah some people ask really annoying questions like ''what is Joe Jonas' e-mail address'' but hey,thats NOT the Jonas Brothers fault.

    if people hate them so much,why bother posting ''questions'' about them?

    Then that will amke you think of them!lol

    I love the Jonas Brothers(in a brotherly way)

  16. yes i agree there is always topics on them it just happens alot of people like them and the truth is MILEY IS TAKING OVER THE WORLD

  17. Sooo....

    Your point?

  18. Only the entertainment world, I am still the world's dictator. lol So rest well at night, knowing that all is right in the world.

  19. you're right. they are. but it won't last forever. it didn't last for michael jackson, and it won't last for them either.

    but i still love em.  

  20. YAY!!

  21. I agree. Everything involves them now. Its insane!

  22. Yeah I know... Don't you love it!!!


  23. at least they dont' take S****y pics of themselves like some of those ppl u know in hollywood aka disney. there's nothing for me to be against them.

  24. It's the beginning of the apocalypse.

  25. Oh no it's a sign of the apocalypse  

  26. tell me about it.  yesterday i saw two teens buying a jonas brothers cd and well........... can u say creepy?  they were practically drooling over it going "aahhhhh" it was very disturbing.  not to mention the fact that the jonas brothers have taken over Y!A "what is joe's favorite color?" "what should i wear to the concert?" "don't u love ur new JoBros cd??"  i think they all suffer from a little disorder called "I CAN'T USE THE FREAKING SEARCH BAR!"

  27. the jonas brothers are the best !!!

  28. i hate them ! they are so eww !my personal opinion  

  29. i dont even 'know' who they are...obviously ive heard about them but clearly im not worldly enough to even have heard anything of theres

  30. It's a sign of the times..............

  31. Well they are only taking the dumb ones...!

    And they'll be gone soon, don't worry....well at least I'd hope so....

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