
What the h**l is rong with me?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want to go out,i dont wanna talk on the fone,i dont wanna be around anybody and all i keep doing is crying and wanting to sleep.I dont even wanna get out of bed in the morning.Evrything was going ok

in my life untill my best friend and i,who have been like soulmates to eachother,had a huge fall out and then the guy im in love with broke up

with me a few wks later and its been nearly a month since all this happend and no matter how much i try i cant shake this feeling.I feel so alone and far away.I dont wanna commit sucicide or anything but sometimes wen the pain gets really bad it seems like the only option to stop this pain.I dont wana feel this way anymore i cant take it.Theres other serious things that have happend to me this year but

my best friend and my boyfriend were keeping me going i think.Now they're both gone i feel empty,lost.Emotionally dead.Wots rong with me?




  1. goto the doc he'll know what to do, your deppresed and u need some help to get through it dont be afraid to seek help

  2. You've lost your support network, you've lost two people who you were very close to, and you are grieving over the loss. Grief is normal, and usually the pain of it lessens over time. If you don't feel better with time or are afraid of hurting yourself, find a trusted adult to talk to.

  3. You need to go to your doctor, it sounds like you are depressed.  They will be able to help.  They won't necessarily put you on medication but it may help to try it.

    Try going for a run or doing some other exercise has been proven to raise endorphin levels which make you feel happy!

    You have had a tough time and everybody reacts to things differently, there's nothing wrong with you-other than being human and having feelings...

    Have you spoken to your friend? It's quite likely that she's as upset as you are, try talking to her and making friends again.

    Good luck and feel better soon!


  4. Sounds like you are totally depressed.  You may want to consider seeing your physician, he can refer you to a therapist as you may need meds.  If you do not have insurance check with your local mental health department as they can help you too.  I am sorry to hear about the falling out between your friend and your boyfriend.  Many times it's easy to let other people rule our life and control our emotions.  Remember that regardless of your problems you are a person worthy of love and friendship.  Although  you are in pain now, that pain will subside with time.  Get up dust the dirt off your butt and move on, the sun is till shining outside. Your friend and boyfriend?  You are their loss!!  Enjoy life, Life is short, live everyday as if it were your last, enjoy every moment, make new friends and find a new boyfriend that will love and appreciate you!!  Good Luck!!    

  5. as everyone else is suggesting, i think your suffering from depression.

    try and fix it up with your friend

    and go and see your docter/gp. its not your fault that your depressed.

  6. Sounds like Depression to me.  See your primary care doctor and see if a referral to a psychiatrist is in order.

  7. it sounds to me as though you might be a little depressed  maybe you should see your doctor and ask for some numbers of some organisations that maybe you could attend to talk about how you are feeling it may help you or why not try to make up with your friend even if you think that you were right in the arguement i sure she misses you as much as you miss her

  8. Sounds like you're suffering from depression.  Talk to your doctor or The Samaritans, or both.  

  9. Hi.

    Many people may disagree with what I am about to say because of a lack of faith which I believe stems from a mix of personal issues and ignorance amongst other issues.

    Faith. The belief in God, the One the Eternal. I understand what you are talking about to some extent, and I believe that God made us all this way, made us so that we are dependent creatures. No matter how independent someone may think themselves to be, they usually do depend on something or someone.

    Every single person is the same. But the problem is that we depend on people who are here today and gone tomorrow. We should love people and it does hurt us when they are hurt or no longer part of our lives, but although your love is with them your dependence should only be in God. Our ultimate companion and love should be for the Originator of souls, the Creator of everything in existence.

    I don't mean to seem like I'm "preaching" but want you to understand that I am simply giving my opinion, for no other reason but for the emotional question you have raised.

    I myself am a Muslim, and have been searching for what is "God". It has been difficult at times, but definitely worth it. I have felt the Mercy and Forgiveness and Love of The Bestower of Love, The One Alone God.

    I am not saying become anything, but I am saying maybe you should search for something which is beyond us all, because it is then when we go to a place beyond any "problem".

    Hope I haven't offended anyone, and I wish you the best of luck : )

  10. it sounds like you are depressed, join the club! it isnt fun is it?

  11. It sounds like you have depression triggered by grief for lost relationships. This happens a lot. You say there is other stress in your life.

    You are not emotionally dead; your mind has had a lot of emotion to deal with and the numbing out is just a defense mechanism to protect you.

    It might be a good idea to find counselling, to help you sort out all this emotional stuff, otherwise it will probably keep knocking around your head and maybe get worse.

    Just believe that things will get better - first step.

    Good luck :)

  12. staying in not helping you. you need to talk get it all out and move on. go talk to your mum or ring help line, dont leave it love, good luck.

  13. schizophrenia, bi polar, manic depression

  14. First of all: there's nothing  wrong with you.

    It's normal for people to feel sad and alienated when things like this happen to them. What you should try to do is create a routine for yourself, like a certain time to get out of bed and eat breakfast etc, try to focus your mind on something like exercise, listen to some uplifting music and do something you've been meaning to do (could be anything from going on holiday to taking the dog for a walk or cleaning your room).

    Whatever you decide to do though, just remember that it's completley normal to feel unhappy and doubtful of yourself when going through a hard time and there is nothing wrong with you. Just try and deal with it as best you can and everything will be fine :)

  15. Nothing is wrong with you that's not wrong with everyone else on the planet.  Your having an emotional reaction to the events in your life.

    Have you talked to your mother about what's going on?  How about a brother or sister?  

    Since it has been a month, you may even want to try and get a hold of your best friend.  Maybe by talking to each other  you can work things out.

  16. You describe someone with symptoms of depression.

    From the events you describe it sounds reactive and as such will improve with time.

    If in doubt, go see your doctor and explain your symptoms.

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