
What the h**l is the big deal with polygamy?

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Why is viewed as something "bad" in the US? And is it really illegal?




  1. Hmmmm...interesting.....Would you consider your girl or wife to have more than just you as her boyfriend or husband? If you can answer that, I guess you've got your answer. We men only think it is okay because  it serves our sexual appetites...women who have to share a man amongst many women don't think they are getting the best. No matter how good a man is in cannot give the same amount of loving to the last woman as you would the first woman. At some point during the night, that  "superman" strength wanes and the law of deminishing return sets in. How would you like to be the seventh guy to have s*x with a woman and after 15 or 20 minutes when you are just warming up, she tells you she's had enough and rolls over and goes to sleep. Think about that.....ahhhh, now it doesn't sound too good does it? Nuff said.

  2. Yes it really is illegal...

    Its bad because its one sided... Its for men to have several concumbines...  What if it were women that wanted to have multiple husbands...  Its just very biased and unrealistic...

    If people are REALLY in love, they can't share... Period.

  3. its wrong in Gods eyes...yes it is

  4. It is disgusting and yes its illegal.

  5. The concern over polygamy started out as an excuse to demonize a new Christian church in the 1830's because they were causing ministers who used their religion as a business to loose money and power and because slave owners in Missouri were concerned that the members of said church would vote eC masse to ban slavery in that state.

    It was made illegal in an attempt to get around the freedom of religion clause in the first amendment to the US Constitution.

  6. It is wrong because you take a vow under God to love and honor this person and by being with other people that breaks those vows. If you are married you should only have one partner. Period!  

  7. It goes towards the American only based religious belief system so only Americans see it as bad. When it's a legal acceptable ancient custom in most all Middle Eastern, African, Asian and Pacific Island countries being it is part of their culture.

    When you travel overseas you see many different customs, which you don't see in the USA which is accepted globally.

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