
What the h**l is this???????????

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i noticed i had white bumbs near my butt and v****a i have no idea what it is.. im 35 weeks pregnant.. i thought i was spotting one time but tonight i noticed it was those bumps. i had no burning or itching but after i got out of the tub i was burning on my clitorous and it hurt very bad to pee.. i put vagisil on my C**t and that burned as well... i was wondering what these strange bumps are i am going to my doctors appointment tomorrow but i just wanted some suggestions from you guys.. has anyone else had this.. and should i be worried?




  1. Yup, You should be worried.  It does sound like HPV.  Keep your appointment tomorrow.  Sorry.

  2. Its a possibilty it can be HPV. You could of had hpv for a long time without knowing and usually women who are pregnant tend to break out with warts. But there are treatments so there are no worries and men never show signs of hpv most of the time. Not saying he cheated on you... you both could of had it without knowing and you are just now seeing signs.

    On the other hand... it could be something else. Im not a doctor so..... that is just my opinion.

    But i would suggest for you to call your doctor tomorrow and ask! Good luck!

  3. The bumps you speak of sound like ingrown hairs.  And for the burning down there, that could very easily be a yeast infection. Very common during pregnancy. Also, Urinary tract infections are also very common and cause painful urination.  Just tell your OB tomorrow and they will get it all sorted out.  You are close to delivering so enjoy your pregnancy while you can.  Next thing you know, you'll be on the newborn section:)

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