So me and my little brother are waiting for my mom to come outside to drive us somewhere (for some reason she had a motorcycle thing). All of a sudden my brother starts driving and I'm screaming, telling him to pull over, but he won't. Finally he tries to pull into Taco Bell, so he drives over the sidewalk and a ton of parking spaces...finally he starts parking and everything, but we see a cop. He stops, starts walking in, and then looks at us and says "Wait a sec, you broke the law!" So I just started crying...he came over and started questioning us. So I told him what happened and everything...he called my mom and she came in looking really pissed. I told her she should be mad at my brother, not me, since I was scared for my life and he wouldn't pull over or anything. I asked her if she thought I would actually let him do that, and she said "Yes, to the MAXIMUM." So I tried to explain again but she was still mad. I felt really helpless.