
What the h**l is up with this dream?!?

by  |  earlier

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So me and my little brother are waiting for my mom to come outside to drive us somewhere (for some reason she had a motorcycle thing). All of a sudden my brother starts driving and I'm screaming, telling him to pull over, but he won't. Finally he tries to pull into Taco Bell, so he drives over the sidewalk and a ton of parking spaces...finally he starts parking and everything, but we see a cop. He stops, starts walking in, and then looks at us and says "Wait a sec, you broke the law!" So I just started crying...he came over and started questioning us. So I told him what happened and everything...he called my mom and she came in looking really pissed. I told her she should be mad at my brother, not me, since I was scared for my life and he wouldn't pull over or anything. I asked her if she thought I would actually let him do that, and she said "Yes, to the MAXIMUM." So I tried to explain again but she was still mad. I felt really helpless.




  1. You felt really helpless.  Sometimes our dreams all boil down to how we feel at the end.

    Maybe you feel something is out of your control and others still hold you responsible.

    Or there may be something that you feel falsely accused over.

    A motorcycle is a vehicle that moves us and ususally forward is your child side in control and that scares you?

    We all have an inner child and sometimes they come out to play but there might be control issues here.  Think on it and you will know what makes sense in your life.

  2. Your dream might be a reflection of your feelings toward your brother's course in life. Either where is is heading now, or where you fear he might go in the future.

    You feel helpless to stop him, and feel that your mom doesn't care as much as you do (or that she doesn't see the signs that you do).  

  3. You probably somehow answered your own dream.

    You are feeling helpless in dream and that reflects in your waking life.

    You may be having some guilt conscience in reality.  Projecting your brother driving and the appearance of cop may symbolize some guilt conscience you may have. In other words, you have some sort of responsibilities in life.  You may be afraid of not accomplishing the way it should be.  So, you feel guilty about it.

    Basically, this dream stresses about responsibilities and confidence level you have in reality.  You are feeling lack of full confidence in terms of things you feel  you should be doing.  Taking care of the brother may be one of things you have in reality.  That is why  you vent it out in dream.

  4. is there something else in your life that's making you feel helpless?

    something or a situation where you feel like you have no control?

    that's what it seems to be saying.

    God bless.

  5. It was just a ramdom dream..dreams can be crazy.

  6. what your dream really means in laymens terms is that you feellike your life is headed down a path that scares you and you are afraid of the repercussions of actions you may (or may already have) do. There could be layer of guilt in there as well. The fact that it is your brother doing the driving tells me a few things, envy could be one of them,has he done something that you wish you had done? do you have afear of your brother or men in general for any reason and feel like that fear is leading you down the wrong path? Did your brother do something wrong and not get caught and you wish you could speak up in real life?

    keep in mind there is such a thing as over alanyzing a dream and making it something it isn't as well. take the feedback you find could fit, no one else can decide whay your dreams means TO YOU, you have to do that

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