
What the h**l is with all these space animations?

by  |  earlier

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in about 3 months, first it was Wall-E , then Space Chimps, now, Send me to Space( or something ).




  1. They already used up all the good ideas.

  2. I have no idea. Every couple of years there is a rash of space movies... all equally stupid and corny. I enjoy going to them with friends though because we make fun of them, and go late when there is no one in the theater. Then we bring our laser lights and point them at the screen! The projector guy joins in sometimes... we've gotten to know each other. We wait until there is no one in the theater so we don't disturb anyone and we end up texting, laughing, and pointing laser lights at the screen. And there is usually a contest to see who can sit the a popcorn kurnel the farthest.

  3. maybe it's a sign for something space related O.O

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