
What the h**l is wrong with guys?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I'm 16 and up til now I've only been asked out once in 5th grade so that doesn't really count. I am not bragging but I am pretty and I'm in good shape, I'm funny, sweet, smart, and I have a good group of friends. Well this summer 7 guys told me they liked me? Why now? They are all in different cliques so it's not like there a group of friends who think I'm cute or something, they all really like me. Why is it all at the same time?




  1. maybe you look different.

  2. maybe you look different.

  3. Sweetie, if your pretty then guys were porbably intimidated!!  Guys are scared of rejection too.  So they were scared a [pretty girl like you would say no and crush their dreams! haha~

    Hope this helps!


    ♥ Lissa

  4. Methinks you are bragging too much.  When a girl begins to get more shapely, guys tend to notice more.  Don't dive in too quickly.  Find someone you really like and then start dating.

  5. we're funny like that

    i've noticed that just until recently i've been comfortable with telling girls i like them (im 17)

    before it was that giggly you know i like you, but im not gonna say it. so ya know?

  6. i guess they dont like rejection

  7. They are too intimated to ask you out, they may think that you are out of your league and they don't want to be rejected. Ask them out instead.

  8. the boys are growing up? lol...honestly that's something you can't have a straight answer to because everyone is different and they might all see something different in you than the other might notice your personality while the other you looks or whatever...if i were you i'd be proud lol..u have 7 guys that like u, think of the u like any of them? if u do go for it, if u like more than one then i understand the question, but get to know them and see where that will lead you...and to which one you're most attracted to :)

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