
What the h**l is wrong with me lol.

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im 15 and since i was 11 i always twitch my fingers. i can control it but i have to do it or ill go crazy. i also like blab out dumb words all the time. and its hard to hold them back. my parents took me to the doctor and he thought i had ADHD but the medication doesnt help at all whats wrong.




  1. Vocal and Motor tics (involuntary spasms of muscles, twitches, or vocal noises) can be indicatative of Tourrette's syndrome.  You would benefit from seeing a Psychiatrist, who specializes in medicine and the brain.  General doctors don't have the training to effectively diagnose and treat such disorders.  A psychiatrist might refer you to a neurologist.  This could be a serious condition, or it could be something simple.  

  2. I'm 15 years old and I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 9.  I tend to twitch my body into weird spasms at times, sometimes alot, like right now is an alot time, I also grunt as to silently let out a breath and at times must wait until my muscles feel right in that position before I can relax. There is nothing wrong with you at all. It is probably a tension thing where you need to spaz your muscles to get them as tense as possible, am I right when I say that you need to feel a certain amount of intensity before you can stop these twitches? Also there are many medications available with many methods. You may just need to up your dose. Plus, although I am still trying to stop my twitching, I found the best method at one point was to just go cold turkey and quit. I did this for 3 days straight and did not even think about it. And of course I screwed up and did lol. But just keep things in mind, and study the way your body, muscles, heart rate, and other things react to the twitching. Hope this could help.

  3. Sounds to me like your a cross between Alan(word salad) and Jerry from Boston Legal!!! lol

  4. ADHD, huh? this is why i hate doctors. You go and they diagnose you with wierdo diseases and hook you up on medication. You don't have ADHD. You know whats wrong with you? It's called being 15, being a teenager, being a kid! Stop taking the stupid pills! They're not helping because you don't have ADHD, as for your finger, I do the same. It's called not being able to sit still because you get really bored. I'm around your age and I've been diagnosted with all kinds of c**p. OCD, ADD, MPD. I don't have any of that c**p. (well maybe I'm a bit obsessive but not like that)

    There's nothing wrong with you.

    Thoose random words? I do it to.

    Do me a favor and ask your parents if you can't stop taking the drugs, or better yet just stop!

    Hope I helped.

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