I had abdominal pain for years, and was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Nothing they prescribed me worked.
Then last year the pain was so bad that I was rushed to hospital, where they told me I had suspected appendicitus, and they removed it. But when I'd woken up they told me I had a completely healthy Appendix!!!
Now my periods have always been irregular, but I didn't have one for 6 months, and at that point, I went back to the hospital. After random tests, they sent me off for a diagnostic laparoscopy.
Apparently everything inside me is fine. Although I am STILL having severly painfull and irregular periods, and have never been pregnant although I haven't been using contraception.
I know taking the pill would help my periods, but it doesn't actually cure the underlying problem.
Does anyone else have this, or know what the h**l it is?!