
What the h**l is wrong with me?!?

by  |  earlier

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I had abdominal pain for years, and was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Nothing they prescribed me worked.

Then last year the pain was so bad that I was rushed to hospital, where they told me I had suspected appendicitus, and they removed it. But when I'd woken up they told me I had a completely healthy Appendix!!!

Now my periods have always been irregular, but I didn't have one for 6 months, and at that point, I went back to the hospital. After random tests, they sent me off for a diagnostic laparoscopy.

Apparently everything inside me is fine. Although I am STILL having severly painfull and irregular periods, and have never been pregnant although I haven't been using contraception.

I know taking the pill would help my periods, but it doesn't actually cure the underlying problem.

Does anyone else have this, or know what the h**l it is?!




  1. you could have a cyst in your ovaries

  2. Maybe endometreosis. Go see your gynecologist. This could also be why your periods are irregular and you're not getting pregnant. Actually, the best thing for it is being on the pill. It stops it's progression. good Luck!

  3. Consider seeing  urologist. this sounds very much like Painful Bladder Syndrome also called Interstitial Cystitis. I have had this condition for years. It is often confused with different GYN problems then when nothing is found it is said to be in the patients head. Here is a site.

    You do not have to test positive for a bladder infection for this condition which a primary doctor might  tell you ! If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me.

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