
What the h**l is wrong with my cat?

by  |  earlier

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idk wats wrong with her, were all in the living room and all of a suden she starts runing around frantically and jumps on the sofas and jumps off as if she were chasing sumthin but apparantly shes chasing nuthin

she even knocks down stuff because she runs like crazy and she pauses and her tail is swinging side to side.. is she on crack? l0l




  1. Lol my cat used to do this. She's just in a playful energetic mood is all. They're just entertaining themselves, but it's still pretty funny to watch.

  2. My cats usually do this after they have had a good p**p...and yes I am serious...they run out of the litter box and go psycho... it cracks me up ever time... guess they feel liberated or something

  3. She's just playing, it means she's a very happy cat, make sure you have plenty of toys for her like feathers and balls.  

  4. My cat does it every night, runs around like she's crazy, then stops and attacks her own tail like it's after her or something, very funny....I think she is possesed.....I lmao....your cat's fine just having fun

  5. Dude its not crack, its catnip.

    Lol my cat does that and we call it the matrix!!!!

    your cats fine.....

  6. I regret to inform you that your cat has a very serious condition. It is called CKS, or crazy kitty syndrome. There is no cure. All you can do is laugh at the hijinks and hope she grows out of it before she breaks something!

  7. LOL my cats do the same thing! i think its just a healthy cat thing :]

  8. It's called a "gale in their tail".  It is just excess energy and boredom that make cats do this.  It is normal, but it is very funny to watch.

  9. I call this my cat's happy dance...she's going on 13 and she STILL does it every day when I come home.  In all seriousness though, I do believe the cause for this actually has evolutionary/biological roots.  Cats in the wild (tigers, etc.) burn off excessive amounts of energy at one time when they hunt.  Since your cat doesn't have to do this for survival, she has a great deal of energy stored up (they do sleep on average 18-22 hours a day!).  This is your cats way of using up this extra energy.  By the way, does your cat talk when she does this?  Mine talks like crazy when she's tearing through the house.  :)  So don't worry...your cat is 'normal'...have a little fun with her and chase her cat loves that!

  10. Haahah! Your cat is fine, probably just needs to get her energy out. Dont worry about it-- just sit (if you can) and watch the fun.  

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