
What the h**l is wrong with some men?

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I just have to ask, what is wrong with some of you guys and paying your child support? Your getting a bill, that's all. You don't have to feed and take care of them and wake up with them in the middle of the night. Why do some guys throw such a huge freaking fit and haul you and the state support agency into court multiple times? How can you afford an attorney to fight a state order, but you can't pay the support you are constantly taking us to court over? Can someone give me an insider's view to the mind of a deadbeat, because I have no hair left after this one.




  1. Some men are just like that. Not ALL, but some. It's like they seem to conveniently forget that they were a part in the making of that child and therefore have no responsibility towards him/her.My daughter is lucky if she gets a lousy phone call once every 3 months, never MIND the child support! They don't have to try to answer those questions like, Mom, how come daddy doesn't love me? So, come on you deadbeat dads, what do us moms tell OUR kids when they ask that? Good answer Klaus! Typical! Now let's hear from all the 'dads' who say (or whine) it's all HER fault! SHE'S the one who never let me see you! Get real....

  2. Simple: some people are selfish and greedy and want to keep their money to themselves. And a lot of these guys want to get back at you. It's revenge, plain and simple, for you ditching them. It is as simple as that.  

  3. They arent responsible is the problem.  Yeah lmao they have the easy part, they dont have to be there when the kid is sick, making meals, helping with school work, if you dont want to help in that way at least pay the support.  I know exactly what you mean, my daughters father will fly to florida rather than pay support, its like how the h**l can you get a plane ticket to florida and not pay your CS.  God forbid you say something to them.  Its okay though he has a warrant now and license suspension because of it and is all mad about it, its like what the h**l do you expect? The problem is they never grow up and get their priorities straight.  They dont put their kids first because they really dont care, not like us mothers do.  They whine about how much they love their kid but yet dont want to do what they have to do to support them.  Good questions though why are the deadbeats the way they are? They should have a class for them or something.

  4. This guy is a real jerk and has no right to call himself a man. Most men do take care of their responsibility and love their children. Please do not put all guy into his category. He will regret not being in his child's life. There will come a day when he has to look into his child's eyes and explain to them why he abandoned them. Find yourself a nice guy that will accept your child. I married a woman with two small children from deadbeat dad and now they are 22 and 21. I am a grand pop and happy to call them my daughters. Good luck.  

  5. Because - it's your job to pay for the brat, not mine.  

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