
What the h**l?????

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my parents grounded me recently because.....

they caught me haing s*x with my gf. she is 12 and i am 16. they just freaked out 4 nuthin. i was wearing condoms n its not like she is gonna get pregnant or sumthin. my parents overreacted an said that i am not allowed to use my computer for a week!!!!!!

Can u believe it? i think that my parents are being unfair dont u think?




  1. You're right!  You should be allowed to do whatever you want.  Go for emancipation and be completely responsible for yourself.  That's right - get a job, work 40+ hours a week, probably more just to afford basic living expenses, and let's be honest - how much can a 16 yo make with no work experience and no HS diploma...uh, you won't have time to finish HS, sweetheart, you'll be too busy there goes your social life, too.

    Oh, and don't even try to get a lease on an apartment, a loan for a car to get to and from your multiple jobs, or phone service or electrical - too expensive AND most companies won't deal with a "minor".

    But, heck yeah...go for it.  You don't think your parents know better than you as far as life experiences and responsibilites - then leave.  Obviously they are endangering your well being.

  2. ew 12? is that the best you can do? id cut my sons p***s off if i found him having s*x with a 12 year old baby

  3. She is still a child, it is not legal for her to be having s*x. In fact, you could be taken to court now if she wanted to. In no way is your grounding unfair, in fact, you got off way to lightly, only a computer for juist a week???? Thats crazy, you should not be allowed to use the computer, watch tv, go out, see friends, get money etc for 3 months. You over stepped the line, you need to be punished. I would not be pleased if i ever saw my kids having s*x with mere children.

  4. Dude, shes 12. I think they weren't hard enough. You have some problems if you have s*x with a 12 year old.

  5. i don't think they're being unfair.. she's 12! what business do you have being with a 12 year old? dude. 12 year old girls are still watching hannah montana and talking about slumber parties and ponies. they're definately not mature enough to know the consequences of s*x. obviously you have a little reading to do yourself. more people on yahoo have gotten pregnant because of a faulty condom than the people who have been planning it. you should think about things before you go off and surrender to teenage hormones.

  6. s*x with a 12-year-old is a felony almost anywhere. At 16, you would be charged only as a juvenile, but you WOULD most likely be charged.

    So just be glad it wasn't HER parents that caught you, and quit complaining about only losing computer priveleges for a lousy little week.

    Leave the 12-year-old alone. You have no right.

  7. DUDE...

    at 16, with a 12 year old?? no offenese mate, but thats a bit...extreme.

    no computer for a week? if that was my probably be digging my own grave right now.

  8. that is so freaking wrong statuatory rape!!

    thats a four year difference try dateing a girl your own age

    she could get preg there not 100% fool proof they can break

    i would have killed you if i was a parent..

    there letting you off easy this time

    your so stupid date someone your own age creeper

  9. no.

    thats jail bait.

    have s*x with somebody your age.

    14 at the YOUNGEST!

  10. So what are you doing on the computer??? You need to have respect for your parents who have you in your best interest.  Take it from a parent of 3 teens.  Chill out!  Give your parents time to adjust to you being sexually active.  It helps them if you can discuss calmly with them about being sexually active.  good for you on the condoms but there is a full adult life out something for that special someone who is sure to be in your life later.   Respect!!! you will get though it.

  11. actually you need to understand that even if you use a condom she can still get pregnant. you can ask a lot of people on here and they are ones that did. not to mention you have no place being involved with a 12 year old... she is not even a teenager yet.... if i was your parents i would have sent your a$$ to bootcamp!!

  12. Oh yeah...they're totally being unfair.  Give me a break.

    You shouldn't be having s*x at all at 16....let alone with a 12 year old.  You're just begging for jail time, aren't you?

  13. NOPE! you are 16 and she is 12!!  HELLO!!! in 2 years you will be 18 and she still gonna be a little 14 year old, and you having s*x with her is not helpful!!

  14. This is a joke right?

    You're 16 and she's 12 that's so stupid

  15. It is illegal to star with and you need councling if you think it is ok for you to be having s*x with a child and yes 12 years old is still nothing but a child.

  16. She is too young to be having s*x with you!  Both of you are too young.  You should not be having s*x with a 12 year old child.

  17. do you realize that  having s*x with a 12 year old is illegal and you could be arrested and then have to register as a s*x offender for the rest of your life?

    just letting you know.

    I hope her parents find out... then they can press charges. You deserve it. Pervert!

    fine someone your own age

  18. I totally think they are being unfair.. More than that they are being brutally STUPID!

    --> They shouldn't just take your computer away, they should confine you to your bedroom! Jeez, what are you asking for? Jail time? Being registered as a Sexual Offender.. What the heck is wrong with you son? It's Illegal.

  19. no

    u need an older that is not a more ur age....the girl will have more to talk to you about...not just polly need to get over her and move on!

  20. YOUR A LOSER KID!!!   she is 12 years old... i dont even know if my balls dropped when i was that age ... get a girlfriend your age idiot

  21. You could have gotten her pregnant. She's 12. For god's sake open your eyes!

    And if you got grounded from the computer for a week, then wy are you on the computer?

  22. I think that they are watching out for your best interest. If you honestly think that you can't get her pregnant then you need to go back to s*x ed. Just because you used a condom or because she is on birth control or you pull out doesn't mean that she isn't going to get pregnat. Any time that the clothes come off you are putting eachother at risk. At the age of 12 it is dangerous for her upsets me that you would put her at risk just so you could get off.

  23. i have the perfect solution . put your p****r in the beaters of a blender and turn it on high for a little bit. then scream real load and when your parents come to see why show the that you punished yourself for the the way how are you getting this if you are grounded. anyway after you clean up the mess and receive your sympathy ask for your computer privileges back . the i will tell you how to fix your other problem i.e.the blinder is totally reversible.but first things first.

  24. LMAO wow,yahoo needs to make posting answers on here strictly for people 18 yrs and over. It'll help so we don't have to keep seeing the same lame *** junior high school questions.

  25. I the punishment for you as your get older being with  young girls will be greater from a statutory rape conviction.

  26. I dont think they are being unfair. And what are u doin with a 12 year gurl and u are 16.

  27. you shouldn't be having s*x until you can at least react like an adult. she's only 12, good job kid, you're going to ruin that girl's life.

    why don't you start dating someone your own age....

  28. do i think your parents are being unfair? nope.

    i mean let's just think about 2 years you'll be 18 and she'll be 14...and better yet, in 2 years she'll be in junior high and you'll be in prison.

  29. eeewwww that's just gross.

    you can go to jail for having s*x with a minor and it could be charged as rape.


  30. she is practacly a babi just got out of bein 11 wow your funni n you think they are over reacting wow thats all i can say man you could go to jail i could see if she was 14 but d**n u cant find sumone your age 2 ****

  31. dawg, she is a fuc*ing 12 year old man
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