
What the h**l should I do? (activity-wise)?

by  |  earlier

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I have researched and researched around my area, for a sport to take part in. I am turning 18 in October, which kind of sucks in a way. I was counting on playing with people of my age group, now I will end up if anything, playing with adults.. I am having an extremely difficult time finding activities to take part in being my age (17), and I am feeling very hopeless.

The only things I can think of are art classes, or a martial art. Both of which I am uninterested in. I want something I can run around and waste my energy on, while also doing some socializing. Like I said, I feel hopeless in so many areas... It just seems like turning 18, I will be put with other ranging adults at best. Meh.




  1. Look for classes at a local YMCA or gym. Or you can go to a Community college branch and take PE classes, I took hiking recently it was really fun and all ages were there from 16-45. They also have fencing and dance and  other activities, just pick one that sounds fun.

    Check around for a Homeschool co-op in your area too. The older teens in the one my daughter attend has a band, drama, photography, and other stuff.

    Many places have community theaters, that is a great place to learn to be less shy and how to express yourself.  Go try out for a show.  It may feel uncomfortable at first but you would be glad for the skills it'll help you with socially.

    You can also look in your local newspaper in the community announcements. Many weeks go by and I find nothing interesting, but once in awhile a club or organization announces an even that is fun to get involved with. Check it often. If you have an entertainment based weekly paper, those have better listings sometimes.

  2. What area do you live in? If we knew we could help you research it.

    You sound kinda depressed. I think you are right that sports will help you with that.

  3. try softball or soccer

  4. What about running?  It's a lifetime sport and you don't need a team.  My son is 10 and has been on three community running teams (indoor & outdoor track & cross country) for two years.  He's on a team of 8-18  year olds.  When they compete, they compete in their age range and gender.  He does nearly every 5K race in town - nearly one per month - more if we drove an hour in any direction.

    I also agree you should join a gym or YMCA.  They continuously have "pick up" games or lists where you can find raquetball competitors, etc.  Ours have special programming for HS'ed students.

  5. Can you give us ideas of things that you're interested in?  Otherwise, all we have to go off of is things that our kids like to do, which may have nothing to do with your interests :-)

    Edit - finding an adult team will most likely be your best choice; there may be some near you that are mostly made up of college-age kids, at least they'll be in your age-range.

    I do feel your frustration; many of the kids that my son plays baseball with (he's 10) have older brothers who have recently graduated (at 16 or 17) who now have to play on adult teams, as they've graduated.  They like it and all, but they'd rather be back on the high school team.

    If it's any consolation, most kids your age in public and private schools don't get to play on their school teams either, unless they happen to make the varsity cut.  They generally either leave sports or find an adult team to play on.

    Anyway, I hope you're able to find something in your area.  I know some areas are more homeschool friendly than others, but hopefully you can find a team that you enjoy.  If you have any other interests (other than sports) that you want to run past us, we'll do our best to help :-)

  6. archery, fencing, croquet, bowling, rowing, snorkeling, scuba, hang gliding, sky diving, surfing, wind surfing, kayaking, dancing, tennis...

    If you are considering art, I recommend glass blowing, it's playing with fire :)

    That's all I can think of at the moment. Turning 18 is a scary and crazy time, I understand your apprehension.  I do wish you all the best.

  7. try ur local gym x

  8. Volleyball is so fun! It requires minimal running, it's not that hard, and you can hang out with the guys on your team all the time.  Plus if you're ever going to the beach you can play with your friends.

    Good luck!!


  9. What sort of community sports are available where you live? Yes, once you're 18, you may very well have to switch to adult teams. Welcome to the adult world! Where things are not grouped according to single ages! ;) You can see it as a drawback or as a chance to have some real role models, and edge in for "adulthood". You are practically an adult; it might be a good time to start embracing it.

    Do you have a rec centre? What about racketball? Tennis? Squash? Swimming? Water polo? Aside from sports, are there teen group lessons offered in any area? Cooking? Languages? Anything?? How about volunteering? Some places have things set up specifically for high school students, regardless of age. Do you have a local college with a recreational sports program? You'd probably get a chance to meet other 18/19/20yos there.

    18 IS adulthood. You need to embrace it!

  10. try your local gym or even your school.... you can get part time things for some schools

  11. In my area the YMCA has options for all ages, so I am not sure where you get the 12 and under thing from...

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