
What the h**l should i do?!?

by  |  earlier

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Having such a nightmare..........

OK...i havn't slept in about 3 days. I'm just going crazy getting help from my GP for 'self harm' and i just dont know how to even cope in between appointments. I seem to just be drunk all the time......or feeling it. I do have a job and am gettng another one next i willl be busy for about16 hours a time to be sad.

But i'm sure i'l find time. I just feel like im living in h**l right now and i dont know what to do about it..i want to either end everything or make a HUGE change that will solve everything.

Keeping busy does NOT work. I just stay awke and now i'm does it even happen?!? How can i be awake for so long....its been over 40 hours since i slept!!

Just what is the answer to all this? I've asked so many Qs on here looking for some sort of solution but nothing works!!!

I love my laptop more than anything in the world!!! Seriously..anything. I would die for it. Is that ok? It feels weird to love an object so much. I asked a Q about this last night....





  1. Getting help was correct.

    Have you been prescribed anything like sleeping pills?

    Take them.

    Avoid liquor and caffeine.

  2. I once tried to stay away (naturally, not using drugs) for as long as i could.  I lasted 49 hours.  I remember going to the bank to withdraw some money and they asked me to sign my name and i put the pen to paper, but i couldnt remember how to sign my name, then i couldnt remember what i was even there for.  I felt so embarrased like they were looking at me.   Its really strange being away for so long because its like you wake up on wednesday and even though 2 days pass, its still feels like wednesday to you when its really friday

  3. Get yourself checked out for manic depression. It's extremely important that you get yourself diagnosed ASAP if you do have it. I think there's medication that you can take to control it, but SEE A DOCTOR as soon as possible!

  4. stop shooting meth

  5. If you are already getting help for all of this then why are you asking people on the internet? And if you are not getting help then GET SOME!  

  6. If you are "drunk" from drinking alcohol, I would strongly suggest getting in touch with Alcoholics Anonymous. If there is a different substance involved, try Narcotics Anonymous. Find out where meetings are near you, and check out how millions of people have changed their lives.

    I've had long periods of insomnia before, and the more I focused on lack of sleep, the worse they were.

    Some things that have worked well for me are: listening to peaceful, calming music, reading a positive book, practicing meditation techniques, prayer, and focusing on my breathing.

    "Ending everything" is a radical solution, and does not always work out as planned. I know, I tried that way this past spring.  Part of what was making my life a living h**l was the fact that I was prescribed way too much medication for Bi Polar disorder, and then was prescribed drugs for COPD/Emphysema that sent me into a mental level of h**l that I had never known before.

    There is a solution to your problem, keep looking, you will find it. You may already have, but don't realize it.  

  7. for one thing don't drink  alcohol is a depressant  sounds like you suffer from depression with anxiety  sounds like you have anxiety attacks so this will cause your sleeping problems  you need to do deep breathing exercises now  come on  now  focus your thoughts on pleasant things  close your eyes  make the room comfortable  no distractions  you are panicking  deep breaths  you need professional help  get some melatonin from a health store or wal-mart  this will help you to calm down and get some sleep  its over the counter  remember no alcohol  alcohol only compounds the problem  suicide is not the answer  so dont even think of that

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